Anxiety can be a bit of a hassle. Whether you suffer from a generalized or acute anxiety disorder, it can create feelings of limited control, low self-esteem, persistent fear, panic, anger and defeat.
Anxiety and stress can be alleviated by doing some yoga asanas. Here are some yoga poses by which you can alleviate anxiety and stress.
Balasana - Child’s pose
Vrikasana - Tree pose
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior pose III
Sirsasana - Headstand pose
Viparita Karani - Legs Up The Wall Pose
Marjaryasana-Bitilasana - Cat cow pose
Uttana Shishosana - Extended Puppy pose
Dhanurasana - Bow pose
Trikonasana - Triangle pose
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana - One-Legged Pigeon pose
Navasana - Boat pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana - Bridge pose
Occasional anxiety is normal part of life. For a person with an anxiety disorder does not go away and with rime it can become worse,
Anxiety can be cured with Meditation and Physical exercise.