11 years ago
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11 years ago
The saddest part is that people dont learn from others mistakes, the feeling is that it will not happen to us or our building ! The whole mindset itself is so corrupt and selfish that blaming any one department would be futile since there are many involved in such things.. One can only pray that wisdom dawns on such people and opens up their conscience !!!
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
11 years ago
There is rush for quick gain even at cost of security and quality. We won't use the correct path to save time and efforts.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
The saddest part is that people dont learn from others mistakes, the feeling is that it will not happen to us or our building ! The whole mindset itself is so corrupt and selfish that blaming any one department would be futile since there are many involved in such things.. One can only pray that wisdom dawns on such people and opens up their conscience !!!
True. Its an exercise in futility to blame one department. It's the effect of combined effect of corruptive minds, in which both people and the administration are active participants.
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