I am very glad to inform you with this I become a gold boarder and take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to boddunan team and all my fellow members for their love and encouragement.My heart-felt thanks to all of you once again!
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Congrats chinmoymukherjee!!

You are having so many points. But due to less participation in forums, you became gold border lately.

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Congrations :laugh:

With Regards
Thanks a lot Rakesh! Yes, you are right but the pleasure is the same whether it is gold or platinum!
Thanks a lot , Vignesh.
Yes. But the platinum boarder is bigger position than gold border na

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I don't view it that way.Both are two different segments and personally feel very satisfied interacting with so many very exciting and enthusiastic members.
I am also very satisfied interacting with many members like you. You are very experienced guy.

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Congratulations chinmoy. In recent times only i found out that your user name is ceeem. I was always wondering who is this person always winning top voter of the day and top commentator of the day. Continue your good work.

Congrants sir on becoming Gold boarder in the forums.Sir really you are encourage person for the new members because your comments are also up to the mark and also who have the highest point in the boddunan.
Congratulations Chinmoy for the excellent contribution all over. Keep up the good work.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

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