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Because we are the one who know our hidden/special talent first......
I can do many things but will not show interest after some time.

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Ya this happens but if we concentrate regularly then we gather our interest.
Yes we must get interest on that so we can do many things in a single hand.

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Ya you are right then you can take part in several activities.
Interest is the main key to get talent in a person with out that we cannot do any things.

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WE can creat interest. Some people say they are not interested or not getting interest. But we can create interest. suppose you dont like social subject. then if you keep that book infront of you everytime. Automatically you feel like reading it and knowing it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Or we can do one thing by telling some facts in history also helps in creating interest in them.

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Ya you are right and if we are not trying to generate interest then how it generated..........
vinodh talent cannot be searched they come out in your deeds. So keep on doing things then you will know in which thing you are talented

I think he is like Hanuman...
someone else has to make him remember his talents..... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Is he a gajani, similar to Sasi? :evil: :evil: :evil:
hanumanreturns.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

Meera sandhu
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