Can you give two difference and two similar things about Honesty and truth.
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They are closely related. However, honesty is a broader concept. Truthfulness means that you tell the truth when asked. Honesty means that you act fairly as well such as not stealing or cheating in an exam.If you cheated in an exam and told people, you would be truthful but not honest. Generally, people who do not act fairly lie in order to cover it up so a distinction is not necessary.
Can you give two difference and two similar things about Honesty and truth.

Honesty - being honest.
truth - being true or quality of our state.

Honesty is adherence to right way of life viz. living on own labor, not cheating others any way. Truth is accepting facts and life as we see. However, honesty and truth are inter related. If you believe in truth, you are also honest. Lies and dishonesty are twin sisters.

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It is not a Difference It is Just a Meaning of that two words can provide more useful points.
Honesty has to do with what you believe. If you think maybe that what you really are saying is true, you're getting sincere.

Truth is an aim thing. The Truth words does not depend on anyone's motives or perhaps viewpoint.

Here i Give you one difference.Give another.
Honesty comes from honor which is a moral dignity and it is related to action and words.

Truth is some clean words. this is related to only words.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Honesty is the way of life that is never to cheat any one where is truth what is actually the facts are. Even twisting them is like hiding the facts and making them look different from truth.

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