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Indian are on the third position with respect to accidents.
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Alam nice statistics shared.This shows more in Asian country and I think this is due to bad road condition. What is your opinion?

The data appears absolute and not related to area and population. A large area with large population will naturally have greater share of every thing including accidents.

However, we need to curtail accidents and other crimes on road. I suggest that no personal vehicles be allowed especially on Hugh ways. These cause more accidents as well as crimes. also, the vehicles and other tools used in committing crimes should be seized/ confiscated and Driving/ arms licence be withdrawn.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Alam its a very nice statistic you have shared. Its very old study, now we are on 2012. If possible share updated one. Also i have a doubt that in the chart last one is ''world'' mentioned as 20.8. Is this average of all countries in the world!!??

Gulshanji's suggestion is good.
Sir I think spelling will be high instead of Hugh.

Accidents by different modes are below.

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BY Mohammad Alam
It is quite surprised news that Bangladesh is ahead of India in using vehicles.

India is in higher ranking for road accidents. It is very dangerous yaar that our roads are not too safe than other countries.
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