As the members of this site are from different locations of the country,we can think of reporting and recording them here to create an alternate press in boddunan! News which are newsworthy but mostly neglected by the national and local press. What do you think?
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U agree to this. I have in fact posted some news item in these columns. Once, I posted news of a mother committing suicide just because her child failed in exam. We can post here news that find place in local paper only though these could be of interest to many at other places.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is a nice suggestion through we will know many events through the country.
I have floated this suggestion because boddunan would acquire a distinct character of its own this way and may hold some appeal to the outside world!
It is really a great suggestion as Boddunan can provide such information also. Great move.

Meera sandhu
I think it will help our favorite site to get more popularity though it is a most popular site.
Yes,this is a good idea to share News of different locations. This is how we could know different News which take place in different places.

Want to make each day Accountable

We can promote the cause of national integration in the process!
yes very nice suggestion fact there could be a different section for posting news.
suggestion is good but there is already forum created as popular news

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We could post Regional News here,so various member would get to know what is happening in different part of country.

Want to make each day Accountable

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