The redcross given HIV blood to a pregnant lady.They were poor people after 10 days that lady got severe burn in legs after taken her to hospital they checked and confirmed HIV this is due to blood trasfermation.

The born baby also got HIV due to mother milk.Now the redcross is saying that they have not given blood to them.

What a bad this is the world is becoming cruel.The 10 days baby also having HIV

how to punish this type of people.

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this is really a painful site because redcross make a mistake and both mother and child give there sacrifice.
Now due to their fault there is loss of two lives with out their mistake.

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this is a very worst thing what redcross has done. govt need to take severe punishment to redcross members who is involved on this issue.

This is really something very sad. The red cross unit not only added problems to the mother and child but the worst thing is that they are sighing away from their mistakes. These criminals should be heavily prosecuted...!
This is the case still held in police station even media is trying to help to the mother and child.That is very sad to see a 10 days baby with hiv.

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Really i am feeling sorry for that baby.The silly mistakes done by the redcross people will kill the life of baby.
This is so sad news for their family.Now the redcross people are saying that they had not given blood even they are showing bills.

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In any case a justice is required in this matter and this matter should be brought in the attention of people of human rights group and media...!
Good suggestion given by you ajay.But i cannot say to them because this is located in other town.

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A rule should be passed that they should have keen check about blood by 10 doctors then only it should be used for the patients.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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