is there any facility in boddunan where can I link my boddunan account site with google adsense like indiastudychannel do .

Santosh Kumar Singh


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Currently it is not available as boddunan still needs to reach 100k page impression.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Santosh Boddunan is still waiting to get approval from adsense to add this application which will help adsense account holders to earn some extra money, but it needs 1 ah page impression daily when our site is getting 9000 on average basis so now we have to work little hard to get some more active members so that we can easily achieve our target and all of our member will able to earn some extra money from adsense throgh Boddunan ste
Ok no problem can i know how much is less from 100k page impression so we can know how much we need to work more or hard.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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