why parents use vulgar words while they scold their children?
They never understand their children why?
Children sacrifies manythings for their parents sake and they suffer alot for their sacrifice. but parents never think of their children they just go on hurting them.
I am not saying not to scold your children . you can scold when your children go wrong. but please never use vulgar words while scolding them. this is my humble and sincere request to the people who are parents, going to be come parents and planing to become parents.

One more thing. when you feel to perform marriage to your daughter or son. Never think that marriage is for sex. think that you are searching a better partner to your daughter or son. and before you search life partner to your daughter or son first try to know whether they like anyone or not and then go on. IF they like some one, dont break their heart by separating them.

In life the big pain is not marring the loved one.
Dont ever feel your children is a low level person.

Everyone have their own attitude and their own thoughts and desire. Being parents try to love your children. but dont love them as much as they start hating you.

Think twice before your hurt your children.

Dont every show differences between the children you have. look after your children equally.

One more thin, never make your children feel to leave you or this world

The parents who have children who are studying:

I want to tell them one thing, that is never neglect your children to be hunger when they feel so hunger.This gives lot of depression. IF their hunger is not fullfilled they wont be able to study and their education will gets spoiled.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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I agree with you. Many parents scold badly which affects mind of children. Many people beat their child so badly that they become hospitalised. That should be protested. In India, we don't have law which permits child to put case against their parents. It is possible in foreign countries only.
Parents need some crash course before parenthood. In fact, this is an important part of family life and so aspiring parents should get some training in the art of upbringing children.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

But how to make parents to aware of parent hood. Then only all children can be happy and saved from parents. they never no how their child think of them and how their children sacrifice their desires for the happiness of their parents

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This case,i have seen in my own family. When you use vulgar words to s cold your child,what impression you are type to make,parents doesn't understand.
I am very happy that my parents are not like them. Its very necessary to give a good atmosphere,a friendly kind of environment to grow your child.If you would be strict in all aspects,your child will hate your. This is what happen with my Mama's daughter and son.

Want to make each day Accountable

My parents also are not like this.I also never scold my children.Nice massage to all parents.

Child should be scolded,but the strictness should not be there in every aspects. Scolding in needed when your child goes wrong.

Want to make each day Accountable

thank you friends for responding for this. i wish you pass this to your friends also and please think some remedy to avoid such situations from present parents and to further gerneration parents and even give some plan to change the mind of all the parents of all generations i mean previous generation parents

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I feel if i have chance then i want to council every parent in the world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is very sad that even educated parents behave like this as state by sarala. I think parents need training as said by Gulshan ji but what can anyone do if such parents are not prepared to get trained.

I think after some time we will start foreign culture where parents have to think twice while hurting or scolding their children. But i think even that case is too extreme. Every parent should scold their children if they go wrong some where but too much scold will not work as children would not react after sometime. :(
Soon I will do something so that everyones parents thinks twice before they scold and talk

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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