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For me unforgettable person is Gulshan ji.He clears all our doubts with patience.

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all the members on boddunan are unforgetable and good there is no one specific.
I think all are important and have a little bit contribution to develop .But Gulshanji,Chinmoyji,Sasikant,Sarala Isha .Ronark,Devyani as a new comer are excellent Knowledgeable persons .sorry it has more names from whom atleast I am learning many more.
Thank you Ram but dont consider me with other persons as i am not having that much knowledge like others.

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Thank you ram Prosad ji. Thank you for including my name in the list. but am not that genious.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The unforgettable member is Gulshan ji as he replied to most of forums.

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Gulshanji answer most of the forum with quality replies and he even do research ,verifies and then post it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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