Finaly England won by an innings and 242 runs.Is this result espected?
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No, I never expect any thing like that but once again England proved their talent...
I think its time for england to become strongest team after all they may need next world cup.

Santosh Kumar Singh


No, such a huge defeat was not expected from India but let's give the full credit to England for the level of sportsmanship they maintained throughout the series. I reckon they are a force to watch out for in the next world cup...
I think its time to give chance to all newer batsman in test also. Like virat kohli,ravindra jadeja,irfan pathan,rohit sharma etc

Santosh Kumar Singh


This is the right time to give chance the other players like Irfan pathan,ridhiman saha,Birat koholi.
Really England has proved their talents and it is unexpected.
England play very well in the match and there performance are good as compare to india so result is as espected.
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