Top 10 worst female health habits.

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ya i agreed i also have some of bad habits as mentioned in this article like of carrying heavy bag daily and sometimes taking food in bad mood also,
Yes many of the females are facing this worst problem please take care about this.

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I think most of the working women face these problems and this information can be useful for them.
Oh my god, these are really worst problems of women and they should take of these. Thank you for sharing

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes even I have some bad habits like sleeping with the make- up and wearing heels

Most of the suggestions will also suit men. There is one about drink. Women have less body weight and water to absorb alcohol and so they should not compete with men. This is okay. That is why there is light drink like Gin for women. Gin is called Lady drink. Women should avoid hard drink like whiskey and Rum.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I found the people of boddunan this one to share this valuable information for our family.

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Yes, the worst female health habits are very beautifully presented in the article and some of these habits are as such they are found in most of the women like wearing high heels, sleeping with makeup and putting themselves last when it comes about fulfilling their wants....
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