Why terrorist attack is so common in our country?
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I think terrorist find here easy to commit crime and easy to escape without being caught and till the time the crime is detected they are far away from the clutches of the law....
I think the main reason is entering into and escaping from our country is very easy.
Yes, ajay is right I agree with him,


It's not any country specific and has emerged as a global phenomenon!
Developing Countries are often the targets of them. India comes under their brackets.
the security of our country is not so tight as compare to other country that why terror attact is more.
I think Our laws have a number of loop holes to escape and also our security has.

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Because of the lack of the security and laws which one we are having.

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I think it is not country specific as said by others. It is our country which is giving opputunity to attack again and again in the same way. Our system is very weak anyone can easily.
terrorist can easy find a way to our country and easy to find a place in india.
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