The Eight year boy was raped and killed in madhurai by 5 members whose age is below 18 years.

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This shows the moral degradation in our society. This is far worse than rape of an adult woman. The offenders need be severely punished irrespective of their age. However it appears that the offenders will get legal benefit for their age of minority.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

it was really disgusting. why the level of our society is falling down day by day in humanity and in other fields also.
This is what i discussed with you that TV channels are exposed more on children.

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I agree with gulshaji that severe punishment is needed but it is really very sad news.People are day by day becoming crazy with such acts. :angry:
This is very unrealistic and a real example of sexual perversion.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
These folks are even worse than animals and I think even animals have senses better than these devils in the shape of humans!!!Really a very shameless act and they should be severely punished by the law....
This is really very bad..These days youths are going behind this kind of nasty things....
I don't know where this society of ours is heading too and with these kinds of handful culprits our society is becoming is a place like a hell to be in....
Such heinous acts partly result from glamorising homosexuality and lesbian relations. In this context, recent adverse reaction to Union Health Minister's comments on Homosexualty are worth recall. Although, we may not harass the gay and lesbians, their way is not to be glamorised or supported. The sad incident is obviously a result of such glamorization of gay relations.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It was a shocking and heinous crime committed such crimes should be condemned by all.
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