Do you think dance drama show are slowly becoming extinct?
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yes,really.Because of the development in internet,even the theatres will become extinct one day.
I don't think it's dying or it will ever die! It's very popular in our state both on stage and TV.Tagore's dance dramas are very very popular and regularly staged!
I don't think so. In villages we see these things very popular. Also,in city we see but less,but i don't think they will be Extinct.

Want to make each day Accountable

I too think that they cannt become extinct as still some village enjoy these shows rather then TV programs. Even in TV now-a-days Dance contest are conduct to extra telent then how can we think that dance related shows can become extinct.
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Dance dramas are popular in all parts of India both in folk forms as well as modern ones!
Dance dramas are one of showing the culture though dance,and i don't think it will be extinguished ever.

Want to make each day Accountable

Yes, they are but few of the western countries are still enjoying it like Balley.

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Dance dramas are one of the oldest forms of our folk culture and it's globally popular!
No it is not that people has too much passion in dance but the chances to show their capabilities are less. dance competitions should be held time to time.
I think dance competitions are happening more now-a-days but the number should increase further.
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