Who do you blame for Lokpal deadlock?
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There is no deadlock. The Lok Pal drafting committee is likely to present draft lokpal bill to Union Cabinet for consideration and placing before parliament. The constititutional provision is that Union cabinet should present bill before parliament. The ministers on the drafting committee have promised to complete the exercise by 30th June. So, no deadlock. The divergent views of the so called civil society members will also be considered by the cabinet. Ultimately parliament is to consider, discuss and vote the bill presented by union cabinet. The 'civil society' is a superflous and extraconstitutional cocept.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

By the time Anna Hazare begins his fast, Lok Pal Bill will be property of parliament and thus the fast will be against parliament and not government. This is stated by ministers.

The propriety of anna Hazare's agitation is now in for serious criticism. Any citizen has right to suggest and demand but he cannot go beyond. It is alleged that Hazare is demanding unreasonably too much.



G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The Hazare team is continuously making some issues.THe central govt is responding in another way.Both are going in different ways.

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Although Hazare team is blaming Govt. side, Kapil sibal says that Govt side is open minded. He has expressed the views of Government side very emphatically and concisely inhis interview with Karan Thapar in the programme 'Devil's Advocate' Hazare is pied piper according to sibal. People gather behind Hazare but they little understand complications of Lok Pal concept.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Congress leaders are meeting on the Lok Pal issue. It is learnt that an all party meet is on cards.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

At last will it end as usual? All these shoutups come to an end as time goes????

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Lokpal if properly brought into force will help people a lot. But the lokpal deadlock is the real problem. we want blame anybody for this because for any new introduction it takes time and we have to wait for the same. Lokpal may be useful to some indeed.
Lokpal if properly brought into force will help people a lot. But the lokpal deadlock is the real problem. we want blame anybody for this because for any new introduction it takes time and we have to wait for the same. Lokpal may be useful to some indeed.

Anna Hazare and his team are just citizens of India andmay be they are more enlighened. They may agitate for what they think right and also voice their concern. However, we are parliamentary system and law is made in parliament and not on street. Making of law begins with presentation of 'Bill' to parliament. Usually this is presented by Cabinet. A memebr of parliament may also present 'private bill'. Thereafter, bill is to be debated in both houses and when passed becomesan Act of parliament and enforceable. Obviously, Anna Hazare andothers have no role in law making. They had sad enough and now let Government do the job.

The talk in the Lok Pal Panel connsisting of some ministers and Team Hazare posing as representative of what the call 'civil society'is at final stage.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

First congress encouraged Anna Hazare team and formed a committee for drafting law jointly with so called civil society. This was just to sidetrack public opinion from various scams particularly in view of elections in five states. Now elections are over and the purpose of sidetracking public opinion has been served. Today nobody even mentions 2G and common Wealth and all talk is about Lok Pal.

Now the congress questions the representative capacity of Hazare team and constitutional provisions about parliamentary rule etc. Congress is right but they have no business to question the representative capacity of Hazare team after having encouraged them so much and giving importance out of all proportion.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Government is reluctant to accept Hazare view on Lok pal as most demands are unconstitutional.


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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