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I worked in an ISO certified organization SAIL. It has everything to do with quality. This is an indirect way of ensuring quality of the product that comes out of the manufacturing unit. Cost is not within the periphery of ISO certification.
I was working in Mechanical testing and certification wing of quality control department. This department is the last stage before the product is shipped.
The team asked me, what are the procedures I was adopting to ensure the quality to the customer. I was asked to show all the procedures that are in practice. Right from my holding of the Test piece to taking the measurement by vernier calipers were keenly observed. Then I showed them Tensile testing machine, Erichsen cupping testing (This test is meant for the steel used for automobile body building) .
After this they had checked the quality assuring methods done chemically. Carbom. Manganese. Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon are checked to verify if they are in the permissible composition.
Then Marketing procedures, stocking systems and finally the accessibility of the product to the customer within the region.
What all the above tests and procedures and management system mean if not for quality assurance ?
In a food manufacturing unit, they check the hygienic conditions of the factory and surroundings, they check the health conditions of the workers involved.
A worker with Eczema will not be allowed to work in such units.
Only then Sail was issued ISO certificate, of course with some suggestions to improve the quality. Its not all. They conduct surprise checks ALSO.

Thank you so much for such a detailed descriptive answer, yes telling people about enhancing skills in production, testing, marketing and dispatch level etc is part of the training but ISO has no direct control on quality control.
By the way who comes to monitor or for surprise check in SAIL? It is the duty of technical team to from ISO to keep an eye because they are being paid by SAIL for this purpose. They must keep their investment on different departments down. You will be surprised to know that ISO even suggest to cut staff in order to keep profits up. Read here if you have time to do so. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

Yes, though ISO has no direct say on quality, it demands the ways to arrive at quality. As for surprise checks, its the ISO that does the checks, not the SAIL. Yes, it specifies the exact number of man power to do a job. But its not mandatory to abide by the manufacturing unit. It comes in the list of suggestions that come periodically to the organisation. Though I was not the in-charge, I used to get a copy of all the correspondence related to ISO certification.

So there you are, being a technical auditor who is here in Australia for further training in ANZ ISO certification, I can assure you that ISO is only instrumental in making an industry acceptable in international arena for its completion of documentation. No suggestion are binding or legal on the certified company. In fact this is kind of decoration which has nothing to do with quality. The companies have to maintain their self quality which they can do otherwise also but it gets them recognition in international market to the point that their paper work is complete. I hope I could be of some help!

Yes its not binding on the part of the manufacturing unit.
But, after knowing that an ISO stamp on their product would enjoy the fruits of worldwide markets, many manufacturers are coming of their own accord to get the ISO stamp. Of course it is understood that the manufacturers are well aware of the stringent standards and stipulations of ISO. It means ISO is able to create an awareness of qualitty in the trade circles which was once a sellers market. ISO clearly established the fact the present markets are 'Buyers Markets.'

Let me reveal a bitter fact, ISO certificates are on sale in our country by wicked agencies accredited for such jobs. They do the paper work and that's it. Certificate is yours.

Its a well known fact. All 'standard indicating stamps' ( we call them as stamps) are available for a price. There are cases of misuse in the apex court pertaining to of ISI, AGMARK and ISO by the well known industrial giants.

ISO certification fee is charged based on number of employees in an establishment the auditors are ready to reduce them according to organization's demands for a favor.

I think you know this. Before the arrival of the ISO team, management calls all the concerned employees and officers and discusses how to hoodwink the visiting team. These ways to hoodwink are advised by none other than the visiting team itself. Here the universal principle is , "You scratch my back. I'll scratch yours"
I worked in an ISO certified organization SAIL. It has everything to do with quality. This is an indirect way of ensuring quality of the product that comes out of the manufacturing unit. Cost is not within the periphery of ISO certification.
I was working in Mechanical testing and certification wing of quality control department. This department is the last stage before the product is shipped.
The team asked me, what are the procedures I was adopting to ensure the quality to the customer. I was asked to show all the procedures that are in practice. Right from my holding of the Test piece to taking the measurement by vernier calipers were keenly observed. Then I showed them Tensile testing machine, Erichsen cupping testing (This test is meant for the steel used for automobile body building) .
After this they had checked the quality assuring methods done chemically. Carbom. Manganese. Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon are checked to verify if they are in the permissible composition.
Then Marketing procedures, stocking systems and finally the accessibility of the product to the customer within the region.
What all the above tests and procedures and management system mean if not for quality assurance ?
In a food manufacturing unit, they check the hygienic conditions of the factory and surroundings, they check the health conditions of the workers involved.
A worker with Eczema will not be allowed to work in such units.
Only then Sail was issued ISO certificate, of course with some suggestions to improve the quality. Its not all. They conduct surprise checks ALSO.

Thank you so much for such a detailed descriptive answer, yes telling people about enhancing skills in production, testing, marketing and dispatch level etc is part of the training but ISO has no direct control on quality control.
By the way who comes to monitor or for surprise check in SAIL? It is the duty of technical team to from ISO to keep an eye because they are being paid by SAIL for this purpose. They must keep their investment on different departments down. You will be surprised to know that ISO even suggest to cut staff in order to keep profits up. Read here if you have time to do so. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

Yes, though ISO has no direct say on quality, it demands the ways to arrive at quality. As for surprise checks, its the ISO that does the checks, not the SAIL. Yes, it specifies the exact number of man power to do a job. But its not mandatory to abide by the manufacturing unit. It comes in the list of suggestions that come periodically to the organisation. Though I was not the in-charge, I used to get a copy of all the correspondence related to ISO certification.

So there you are, being a technical auditor who is here in Australia for further training in ANZ ISO certification, I can assure you that ISO is only instrumental in making an industry acceptable in international arena for its completion of documentation. No suggestion are binding or legal on the certified company. In fact this is kind of decoration which has nothing to do with quality. The companies have to maintain their self quality which they can do otherwise also but it gets them recognition in international market to the point that their paper work is complete. I hope I could be of some help!

Yes its not binding on the part of the manufacturing unit.
But, after knowing that an ISO stamp on their product would enjoy the fruits of worldwide markets, many manufacturers are coming of their own accord to get the ISO stamp. Of course it is understood that the manufacturers are well aware of the stringent standards and stipulations of ISO. It means ISO is able to create an awareness of qualitty in the trade circles which was once a sellers market. ISO clearly established the fact the present markets are 'Buyers Markets.'

Let me reveal a bitter fact, ISO certificates are on sale in our country by wicked agencies accredited for such jobs. They do the paper work and that's it. Certificate is yours.

Its a well known fact. All 'standard indicating stamps' ( we call them as stamps) are available for a price. There are cases of misuse in the apex court pertaining to of ISI, AGMARK and ISO by the well known industrial giants.

ISO certification fee is charged based on number of employees in an establishment the auditors are ready to reduce them according to organization's demands for a favor.

I think you know this. Before the arrival of the ISO team, management calls all the concerned employees and officers and discusses how to hoodwink the visiting team. These ways to hoodwink are advised by none other than the visiting team itself. Here the universal principle is , "You scratch my back. I'll scratch yours"

There you are, you come to real terms but come there after much persuasion. Grow up Bigbro, earlier the better, the world is running too fast. ;)

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I worked in an ISO certified organization SAIL. It has everything to do with quality. This is an indirect way of ensuring quality of the product that comes out of the manufacturing unit. Cost is not within the periphery of ISO certification.
I was working in Mechanical testing and certification wing of quality control department. This department is the last stage before the product is shipped.
The team asked me, what are the procedures I was adopting to ensure the quality to the customer. I was asked to show all the procedures that are in practice. Right from my holding of the Test piece to taking the measurement by vernier calipers were keenly observed. Then I showed them Tensile testing machine, Erichsen cupping testing (This test is meant for the steel used for automobile body building) .
After this they had checked the quality assuring methods done chemically. Carbom. Manganese. Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon are checked to verify if they are in the permissible composition.
Then Marketing procedures, stocking systems and finally the accessibility of the product to the customer within the region.
What all the above tests and procedures and management system mean if not for quality assurance ?
In a food manufacturing unit, they check the hygienic conditions of the factory and surroundings, they check the health conditions of the workers involved.
A worker with Eczema will not be allowed to work in such units.
Only then Sail was issued ISO certificate, of course with some suggestions to improve the quality. Its not all. They conduct surprise checks ALSO.

Thank you so much for such a detailed descriptive answer, yes telling people about enhancing skills in production, testing, marketing and dispatch level etc is part of the training but ISO has no direct control on quality control.
By the way who comes to monitor or for surprise check in SAIL? It is the duty of technical team to from ISO to keep an eye because they are being paid by SAIL for this purpose. They must keep their investment on different departments down. You will be surprised to know that ISO even suggest to cut staff in order to keep profits up. Read here if you have time to do so. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

Yes, though ISO has no direct say on quality, it demands the ways to arrive at quality. As for surprise checks, its the ISO that does the checks, not the SAIL. Yes, it specifies the exact number of man power to do a job. But its not mandatory to abide by the manufacturing unit. It comes in the list of suggestions that come periodically to the organisation. Though I was not the in-charge, I used to get a copy of all the correspondence related to ISO certification.

So there you are, being a technical auditor who is here in Australia for further training in ANZ ISO certification, I can assure you that ISO is only instrumental in making an industry acceptable in international arena for its completion of documentation. No suggestion are binding or legal on the certified company. In fact this is kind of decoration which has nothing to do with quality. The companies have to maintain their self quality which they can do otherwise also but it gets them recognition in international market to the point that their paper work is complete. I hope I could be of some help!

Yes its not binding on the part of the manufacturing unit.
But, after knowing that an ISO stamp on their product would enjoy the fruits of worldwide markets, many manufacturers are coming of their own accord to get the ISO stamp. Of course it is understood that the manufacturers are well aware of the stringent standards and stipulations of ISO. It means ISO is able to create an awareness of qualitty in the trade circles which was once a sellers market. ISO clearly established the fact the present markets are 'Buyers Markets.'

Let me reveal a bitter fact, ISO certificates are on sale in our country by wicked agencies accredited for such jobs. They do the paper work and that's it. Certificate is yours.

Its a well known fact. All 'standard indicating stamps' ( we call them as stamps) are available for a price. There are cases of misuse in the apex court pertaining to of ISI, AGMARK and ISO by the well known industrial giants.

ISO certification fee is charged based on number of employees in an establishment the auditors are ready to reduce them according to organization's demands for a favor.

I think you know this. Before the arrival of the ISO team, management calls all the concerned employees and officers and discusses how to hoodwink the visiting team. These ways to hoodwink are advised by none other than the visiting team itself. Here the universal principle is , "You scratch my back. I'll scratch yours"

There you are, you come to real terms but come there after much persuasion. Grow up Bigbro, earlier the better, the world is running too fast. ;)

Aha aha munna. Thank you . But i had grown up long ago. That's why i'm able to reveal the inner things
I worked in an ISO certified organization SAIL. It has everything to do with quality. This is an indirect way of ensuring quality of the product that comes out of the manufacturing unit. Cost is not within the periphery of ISO certification.
I was working in Mechanical testing and certification wing of quality control department. This department is the last stage before the product is shipped.
The team asked me, what are the procedures I was adopting to ensure the quality to the customer. I was asked to show all the procedures that are in practice. Right from my holding of the Test piece to taking the measurement by vernier calipers were keenly observed. Then I showed them Tensile testing machine, Erichsen cupping testing (This test is meant for the steel used for automobile body building) .
After this they had checked the quality assuring methods done chemically. Carbom. Manganese. Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon are checked to verify if they are in the permissible composition.
Then Marketing procedures, stocking systems and finally the accessibility of the product to the customer within the region.
What all the above tests and procedures and management system mean if not for quality assurance ?
In a food manufacturing unit, they check the hygienic conditions of the factory and surroundings, they check the health conditions of the workers involved.
A worker with Eczema will not be allowed to work in such units.
Only then Sail was issued ISO certificate, of course with some suggestions to improve the quality. Its not all. They conduct surprise checks ALSO.

Thank you so much for such a detailed descriptive answer, yes telling people about enhancing skills in production, testing, marketing and dispatch level etc is part of the training but ISO has no direct control on quality control.
By the way who comes to monitor or for surprise check in SAIL? It is the duty of technical team to from ISO to keep an eye because they are being paid by SAIL for this purpose. They must keep their investment on different departments down. You will be surprised to know that ISO even suggest to cut staff in order to keep profits up. Read here if you have time to do so. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

Yes, though ISO has no direct say on quality, it demands the ways to arrive at quality. As for surprise checks, its the ISO that does the checks, not the SAIL. Yes, it specifies the exact number of man power to do a job. But its not mandatory to abide by the manufacturing unit. It comes in the list of suggestions that come periodically to the organisation. Though I was not the in-charge, I used to get a copy of all the correspondence related to ISO certification.

So there you are, being a technical auditor who is here in Australia for further training in ANZ ISO certification, I can assure you that ISO is only instrumental in making an industry acceptable in international arena for its completion of documentation. No suggestion are binding or legal on the certified company. In fact this is kind of decoration which has nothing to do with quality. The companies have to maintain their self quality which they can do otherwise also but it gets them recognition in international market to the point that their paper work is complete. I hope I could be of some help!

Yes its not binding on the part of the manufacturing unit.
But, after knowing that an ISO stamp on their product would enjoy the fruits of worldwide markets, many manufacturers are coming of their own accord to get the ISO stamp. Of course it is understood that the manufacturers are well aware of the stringent standards and stipulations of ISO. It means ISO is able to create an awareness of qualitty in the trade circles which was once a sellers market. ISO clearly established the fact the present markets are 'Buyers Markets.'

Let me reveal a bitter fact, ISO certificates are on sale in our country by wicked agencies accredited for such jobs. They do the paper work and that's it. Certificate is yours.

Its a well known fact. All 'standard indicating stamps' ( we call them as stamps) are available for a price. There are cases of misuse in the apex court pertaining to of ISI, AGMARK and ISO by the well known industrial giants.

ISO certification fee is charged based on number of employees in an establishment the auditors are ready to reduce them according to organization's demands for a favor.

I think you know this. Before the arrival of the ISO team, management calls all the concerned employees and officers and discusses how to hoodwink the visiting team. These ways to hoodwink are advised by none other than the visiting team itself. Here the universal principle is , "You scratch my back. I'll scratch yours"

There you are, you come to real terms but come there after much persuasion. Grow up Bigbro, earlier the better, the world is running too fast. ;)

Aha aha munna. Thank you . But i had grown up long ago. That's why i'm able to reveal the inner things

Yes I know when you grew up but I love to have it that way especially when you are on the other side of the fence. Cheers. Facts are not going to change despite our best efforts.

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I worked in an ISO certified organization SAIL. It has everything to do with quality. This is an indirect way of ensuring quality of the product that comes out of the manufacturing unit. Cost is not within the periphery of ISO certification.
I was working in Mechanical testing and certification wing of quality control department. This department is the last stage before the product is shipped.
The team asked me, what are the procedures I was adopting to ensure the quality to the customer. I was asked to show all the procedures that are in practice. Right from my holding of the Test piece to taking the measurement by vernier calipers were keenly observed. Then I showed them Tensile testing machine, Erichsen cupping testing (This test is meant for the steel used for automobile body building) .
After this they had checked the quality assuring methods done chemically. Carbom. Manganese. Phosphorus, sulfur and silicon are checked to verify if they are in the permissible composition.
Then Marketing procedures, stocking systems and finally the accessibility of the product to the customer within the region.
What all the above tests and procedures and management system mean if not for quality assurance ?
In a food manufacturing unit, they check the hygienic conditions of the factory and surroundings, they check the health conditions of the workers involved.
A worker with Eczema will not be allowed to work in such units.
Only then Sail was issued ISO certificate, of course with some suggestions to improve the quality. Its not all. They conduct surprise checks ALSO.

Thank you so much for such a detailed descriptive answer, yes telling people about enhancing skills in production, testing, marketing and dispatch level etc is part of the training but ISO has no direct control on quality control.
By the way who comes to monitor or for surprise check in SAIL? It is the duty of technical team to from ISO to keep an eye because they are being paid by SAIL for this purpose. They must keep their investment on different departments down. You will be surprised to know that ISO even suggest to cut staff in order to keep profits up. Read here if you have time to do so. ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest developer of voluntary International Standards.

Yes, though ISO has no direct say on quality, it demands the ways to arrive at quality. As for surprise checks, its the ISO that does the checks, not the SAIL. Yes, it specifies the exact number of man power to do a job. But its not mandatory to abide by the manufacturing unit. It comes in the list of suggestions that come periodically to the organisation. Though I was not the in-charge, I used to get a copy of all the correspondence related to ISO certification.

So there you are, being a technical auditor who is here in Australia for further training in ANZ ISO certification, I can assure you that ISO is only instrumental in making an industry acceptable in international arena for its completion of documentation. No suggestion are binding or legal on the certified company. In fact this is kind of decoration which has nothing to do with quality. The companies have to maintain their self quality which they can do otherwise also but it gets them recognition in international market to the point that their paper work is complete. I hope I could be of some help!

Yes its not binding on the part of the manufacturing unit.
But, after knowing that an ISO stamp on their product would enjoy the fruits of worldwide markets, many manufacturers are coming of their own accord to get the ISO stamp. Of course it is understood that the manufacturers are well aware of the stringent standards and stipulations of ISO. It means ISO is able to create an awareness of qualitty in the trade circles which was once a sellers market. ISO clearly established the fact the present markets are 'Buyers Markets.'

Let me reveal a bitter fact, ISO certificates are on sale in our country by wicked agencies accredited for such jobs. They do the paper work and that's it. Certificate is yours.

Its a well known fact. All 'standard indicating stamps' ( we call them as stamps) are available for a price. There are cases of misuse in the apex court pertaining to of ISI, AGMARK and ISO by the well known industrial giants.

ISO certification fee is charged based on number of employees in an establishment the auditors are ready to reduce them according to organization's demands for a favor.

I think you know this. Before the arrival of the ISO team, management calls all the concerned employees and officers and discusses how to hoodwink the visiting team. These ways to hoodwink are advised by none other than the visiting team itself. Here the universal principle is , "You scratch my back. I'll scratch yours"

There you are, you come to real terms but come there after much persuasion. Grow up Bigbro, earlier the better, the world is running too fast. ;)

Aha aha munna. Thank you . But i had grown up long ago. That's why i'm able to reveal the inner things

Yes I know when you grew up but I love to have it that way especially when you are on the other side of the fence. Cheers. Facts are not going to change despite our best efforts.

Old habits die hard.
Change is the real constant, and for this ISO certified Temple Prasad is one such example, it is nice to have a good disciplined set up for this so that devotees can rip maximum benefit from this.

Thank you said by: shadow
Change is the real constant, and for this ISO certified Temple Prasad is one such example, it is nice to have a good disciplined set up for this so that devotees can rip maximum benefit from this.

That is a wonderful idea. They all should have ISO in thier temples. Prasad is very widely distributed item.
Change is the real constant, and for this ISO certified Temple Prasad is one such example, it is nice to have a good disciplined set up for this so that devotees can rip maximum benefit from this.

That is a wonderful idea. They all should have ISO in thier temples. Prasad is very widely distributed item.
It will restore sanctity and sanity of holy places and people will be more interested in travelling temples and offered their devotions.

Change is the real constant, and for this ISO certified Temple Prasad is one such example, it is nice to have a good disciplined set up for this so that devotees can rip maximum benefit from this.

That is a wonderful idea. They all should have ISO in thier temples. Prasad is very widely distributed item.
It will restore sanctity and sanity of holy places and people will be more interested in travelling temples and offered their devotions.

The problem with devotees is they will not complain or protest. They accept poison also in the name of prasad saying that. " It's the Kripa of almighty."
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