{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 3504]}
Speak softly,
Carry a big stick.
- Teddy Roosevelt

Diplomacy is thinking twice
Saying nothing.
- Unknown

Well done is better than well said.
- Benjamin Franklin

Better silent
Thought a fool
Then speak
Remove doubt.
- Lincoln

The greatest truths are the simplest.
- Hosea Ballou

First learn the meaning of what you say,
Then speak...
- Epictetus

Be sincere;
Be brief;
Be seated.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Use soft words
Hard arguments.
- English Proverb

Fear False Evidence Appearing Real
- Unknown

We have nothing to fear
But fear itself.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Think before acting.
Hear before judging.
Listen before speaking.
- Unknown

Think much,
Speak little,
Write less.
- Italian Proverb

Examine what is said,
Not him who speaks.
- Arab Proverb

Fences and arguments
Always have two sides.
- Unknown
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I may add one:

Iro hand in velvet gloves.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If people use words properly then we can avoid some unwanted quarrels...
I liked the last but one the most which says "examine what is said and not him who speaks".The meaning is really amazing that we should discuss the idea and not the person who delivers it.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.

A very popular proverb! This conveys the meaning of the first one very clearly!Please add a few more !

A very popular proverb! This conveys the meaning of the first one very clearly!Please add a few more !

I remember a Sanskrit shloka that means:

Speak sweet, speak true,
Not speak pleasing untruth
Not speak displeasing truth
speak pleasing truth.

(Priyam brooyat, satyam brooyat....)

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Maa Brooyat Apriyam Satyam!! But those who speak displeasing truths are ones who truly serve our society well!
I agree. Displeasing truths are not always for social interest. When it is necessary to reveal some unpleasant truth for social benefit, this is okay. Otherwise, there is no need to annoy somebody by revealing some truth about him that affects nobody.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I completely agree! There is absolutely no need to be speaking unpleasant truths as a matter of habit!
I like this one

Think before acting.
Hear before judging.
Listen before speaking.

but my favorite is

kasti ko badlo kinare badal jaate hai soch ko badlo sitare badal jate hai

Santosh Kumar Singh



Wow! these are really wonderful words.Words have power more than a sword.
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