Basmati Rice – Grown in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains of India and Pakistan, Basmati rice is generally the rice preferred for Indian dishes both in the home and at Indian restaurants. It’s available in both the white and brown varieties. This is a fluffy rice whose grains separate when cooked.

Jasmine Rice – A little more subtle than basmati, jasmine rice is grown in Thailand. Though it’s a long grain rice, it tends to be a little stickier than most long grain varieties.

Texmati Rice – This is a hybrid rice; a cross between basmati and regular long grain white rice. It’s not quite as pungent as basmati and is light and fluffy when it’s cooked.

Wehani Rice – This is a brown rice from the same family as basmati. When it’s cooked, it looks like wild rice and some say it smells like popcorn!
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Nice information about the rice growth.Can you submit any link about this.

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Wow very useful information. thank you for letting us know that there are types of rice also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Very useful and nice information about rice shared. We knew about basmati only.Thank you.
thanks for sharing buddy . i didn't know about such kinds of rice however these are types of basmati rice only.
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