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Dear Sandhya

Keep posting article to because all day will not same as today so some day you can earn from award and some day from article. So try to participate in all interesting section.

Santosh Kumar Singh


congrats was a very good effort on your part to keep the forum active...well done.... :)

Dear Sandhya

Keep posting article to because all day will not same as today so some day you can earn from award and some day from article. So try to participate in all interesting section.

Yes Sir. But for the past few months I have eye convergence problem. A couple of months before, I can't watch TV, monitor or even read a single line from a book. I couldn't even dream of a world without spectacles.I began to think my world is going to end. Now corrected almost 70%. Though can't read newspaper or magazines more than 10-15 minutes, I can look straight to monitor and TV and can read. That's why I am active in forums. Yet, I have written a few articles too. My first passion is writing, for sure.

I will soon write an article about my eye exercise, that I am practicing every day. I know, many will be benefited by it. I want to post that article as soon as possible.

Meera sandhu
Dear Sandhya

We hope you will recover your eyes health soon till date take care do not work more because its not good for eye health take care eye is best wealth of body.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Dear Sandhya

We hope you will recover your eyes health soon till date take care do not work more because its not good for eye health take care eye is best wealth of body.

Yes, I knew the importance of eyes when I got this problem. For 2 months full head ache, resting whole day with eyes closed. If I read something and look monitor even for 5 minutes, I feel like vomiting and dizziness. No one can imagine a day alone in a house, without reading or watching TV. Music was the only sought thing. I never dream about this world through my eyes. Its God who created magic in my eyes again.

Meera sandhu
Yes God is great. everything will be fine. Keep smiling because it will increase beauty in your face.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes God is great. everything will be fine. Keep smiling because it will increase beauty in your face.

I got a new question. Let me post it in forum for discussion :)

Meera sandhu
Sandya You are great and soft hearted so hope you will be fit soon.Take care to your eyes.Thanks.
Sandhya,we hope to read great articles from your side....get well soon....... :)

Sandhya rani you was rocking here like a rock star continuous winning or DFaa its mind blowing performance.

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