We are very happy to announce a new contest 'Poller of the Week (PoW)'.
The member who creates quality polls, comments on other polls and vote for polls is eligible to win this award.
There are few judging criteria :
1. The quality of Poll - this means the poll topic must be good enough to attract others to vote and get large number of votes.
2. Poll Comments: the valuable comments to the poll - you may want to mention a supportive information with your vote and sometimes poll creator limits the options to vote - you may write comments for the poll.
3. Poll Votes: You must vote for others poll, its not necessary that you have to vote. Try to vote for all polls of your interest.
Last but not the least the Cash Credits:
The winner will be declared every week on 'Monday'.
and winner will receive Rs 50 as cash credit. :woohoo:
In the First week end i.e. on Monday, 7th sept 09. we will consider all polls data till 6 sept to announce the winner. further onwards only weeks data will be used to evaluate the winner.
Member can be winner for only once in every month.
[quote]Remember Quality matters more than Quantity.
please make efficient use of poll system to win this award.[/quote]
Post your valuable comments and suggestions.
-Atul Barapatre
Boddunan Support Team. B)
Note: The Winner are decided by Editors/Moderators/Admin and the decision is final.
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Thank you for this second announcement today. It will improve the quality of our Poll section and members will submit quality polls per day.
Pankaj Gupta :)
Polls and quiz both are different. Do not ask quiz questions in the polls.
Quiz will have only a single correct answer, whereas polls on various issues or topics generally have multiple choices to answer and an option to express different opinions on a single subject or point.
Hi Friends,
It is found that few members try to create new polls but they are actually quiz.
Polls are the small survey for getting opinions of others by keeping the vote anonymous.
Asking questions like 'what is the XXX of YYY, other quiz questions,etc. will not be considered during deciding the poller of the week.
I think all understand the difference between Poll and quiz. Please follow the rules properly.