Most of us do grow puppies at home, but becoming the owner of a disciplined and well behaved dog is really a source of pride both for the care taker as well as the puppy. In order to achieve this task, simply follow these guidelines and I assure you that name and fame will be on your way. Hence training a puppy with the goodness of manners and obedience is very essential to build up an intimate relationship with the dog. It is a common belief that training an older dog is a difficult task to perform. Extra care and training should be given to mature puppies.
The training given to older puppies must be done in a careful manner because they are cautious enough and already know many of the tasks. So the trainer must follow the path of the dog and teach him the variation in the way he performs his daily tasks. For instance, he needs to be praised for each and every action he does. This makes him believe that his behavior and idea of performing actions are approved. Some of the older puppies will be stubborn and seldom listens to the words of the care taker. During such a situation patience and affectionate actions could be of help in changing their bad habits to good ones.
Puppies at the age of ten months should be given proper training in performing the tasks such as obey the instructions, walk nearby the care taker, perform tricks like shaking hands, catch the ball and so on. The puppy should not perform an action when the care taker refuses it. He should be able to differentiate the acceptance and refusal of the care taker. A daily walk at regular intervals would be helpful in creating a daily routine in excretion. The older puppy should also be taught on certain words that could act as a powerful source of communication. All these tips would be helpful in training your older puppy.