Continuing with part-2...
wasp a social winged insect that has a narrow waist and a sting. It constructs a paper nest from wood pulp and raises the larvae on a diet of insects.
glowworm a soft-bodied beetle with luminescent organs in the abdomen, esp. the larvalike wingless female, which emits light to attract the flying male.
gnat a small two-winged fly that resembles a mosquito. Gnats include both biting and nonbiting forms, and they typically form large swarms.
goliath beetle very large, boldly marked tropical beetle related to the chafers, the male of which has a forked horn on the head.
grasshopper a plant-eating insect with long hind legs that are used for jumping and for producing a chirping sound. It frequents grassy places and low vegetation
greenbottle metallic green fly that sometimes lays eggs in wounds on sheep or other animals.
harvester ant an ant that gathers and stores seeds and grain as a communal food source for the colony.
Hercules beetle a large tropical American rhinoceros beetle, the male of which has two long curved horns extending from the head and one from the thorax.
honeybee a stinging winged insect that collects nectar and pollen, produces wax and honey, and lives in large communities. It was domesticated for its honey around the end of the Neolithic period and is usually kept in hives.
hornet a large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees.
horsefly a stoutly built fly, the female of which is a bloodsucker and inflicts painful bites on horses and other mammals, including humans.
housefly a common small fly occurring worldwide in and around human habitation. Its eggs are laid in decaying material, and the fly can be a health hazard due to its contamination of food.
ichneumon a slender parasitic wasp with long antennae that deposits its eggs in, on, or near the larvae of other insects.
Japanese beetle a metallic green and copper chafer that is a pest of fruit and foliage as an adult and of grass roots as a larva. It is native to Japan but has spread elsewhere.
June bug a large brown scarab beetle that appears in late spring and early summer.
katydid a large, typically green, long-horned grasshopper native to North America. The male makes a characteristic sound that resembles the name.
ladybug small beetle with a domed back, typically red or yellow with black spots. Both the adults and larvae are important predators of aphids.
leafhopper a small plant bug that is typically brightly colored and leaps when disturbed. It can be a serious crop pest in warm regions.
lightning bug another term for firefly .
locust large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to crops.
louse a small, wingless, parasitic insect that lives on the skin of mammals and birds
mayfly a short-lived, slender insect with delicate, transparent wings and two or three long filaments on the tail. It lives close to water, where the chiefly herbivorous aquatic larvae develop
mealybug a small, sap-sucking scale insect that is coated with a white, powdery wax that resembles meal. It forms large colonies and can be a serious pest, esp. in greenhouses.
mosquito a slender long-legged fly with aquatic larvae. The bite of the bloodsucking female can transmit a number of serious diseases including malaria and encephalitis.
moth a chiefly nocturnal insect related to the butterflies. It lacks the clubbed antennae of butterflies and typically has a stout body, drab coloration, and wings that fold flat when resting.
mud dauber a solitary wasp that builds a mud nest typically consisting of a series of tubelike cells on an exposed surface.
paper wasp a social wasp that forms a small, umbrella-shaped nest made from wood pulp.
pismire an ant.
rhinoceros beetle a very large mainly tropical beetle, the male of which has a curved horn extending from the head and typically another from the thorax. In some parts of Asia, males are put to fight as a spectator sport.
roach a cockroach.
robber fly a large powerful predatory fly that darts out and grabs insect prey on the wing.
rose chafer a brilliant green or copper-colored day-flying chafer (beetle) that feeds on roses and other flowers. The larvae typically live in rotting timber.
rove beetle a long-bodied beetle with very short wing cases, typically found among decaying matter where it may scavenge or prey on other scavengers.
sandfly a small, hairy, biting fly of tropical and subtropical regions that transmits a number of diseases, including leishmaniasis.
sawfly an insect related to the wasps, with a sawlike egg-laying tube used to cut into plant tissue before depositing the eggs. The larvae resemble caterpillars and can be serious pests of crops and foliage.
sawyer a large longhorn beetle whose larvae bore tunnels in the wood of injured or recently felled trees, producing an audible chewing sound.
scarab a large dung beetle of the eastern Mediterranean area, regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt.
scorpionfly a slender predatory insect with membranous wings, long legs, and a downward-pointing beak. The terminal swollen section of the male's abdomen is carried curved up like a scorpion's stinger.
springtail a minute primitive wingless insect that has a springlike organ under the abdomen that enables it to leap when disturbed. Springtails are abundant in the soil and leaf litter.
squash bug a dark-colored bug with forewings marked by many veins. • Family Coreidae, suborder Heteroptera: many species, in particular the North American Anasa tristis, a serious pest of squashes and similar fruit.
stag beetle a large dark beetle, the male of which has large branched jaws that resemble a stag's antlers.
stink bug a broad shield-shaped bug that is typically brightly colored or boldly marked. It emits a foul smell when handled or molested.
stonefly a slender insect with transparent membranous wings, the larvae of which live in clean running water. The adults are used as bait by fly fishermen.
termite a small, pale soft-bodied insect that lives in large colonies with several different castes, typically within a mound of cemented earth. Many kinds feed on wood and can be highly destructive to trees and timber.
Also called white ant
tiger beetle a fast-running predatory beetle that has spotted or striped wing cases and flies in sunshine. The larvae live in tunnels from which they snatch passing insect prey.
tsetse an African bloodsucking fly that bites humans and other mammals, transmitting sleeping sickness and nagana.
walking stick a long, slender, slow-moving insect that resembles a twig. In many species, its appears that there are no males and that the females lay fertile eggs without mating
water beetle any of a large number of beetles that live in fresh water.
wasp a social winged insect that has a narrow waist and a sting. It constructs a paper nest from wood pulp and raises the larvae on a diet of insects.
weevil a small beetle with an elongated snout, the larvae of which typically develop inside seeds, stems, or other plant parts. Many are pests of crops or stored foodstuffs. Also called snout beetle
whitefly a minute winged bug covered with powdery white wax, damaging plants by feeding on the sap and coating them with honeydew.
yellow jacket a wasp or hornet with bright yellow markings.
Hope its fun learning......