(1)Algorithm to implement a class template
1. create a template class
2. then create a class c
Private section:-
A array a[5]specification with anomous type T
Public section:-
(a) A member function get() for input the array.
(b) A member function show() for display.
3. In main we create a class object a of integer type i.e ca and a nother object of float type
4. Then we call the two function get() and show throw these object.
5. End of programe.
(2)Algorithm to implement a function template
1. Define the prefix template
2. Create a function sum of template type with template argume nt i.e.
T sum(T a, T b)
3. Then take another template type variable and add a& b and return c i.e.
C= a+b
4. In main call the sum function first with integer variable then character variable 7 get desire output.
5. End of programe.
(3)Algorithm to implement exception handling in a prog
1. initialize x,y,z with float data type
2. enter the value of x ,y, & z.
3. then initlize try block & check whether x equal to y .
4. If x is equal to y then throw exception x-y.
5. Else z/x-y.
6. This exception throw by throw statement caught by catch block & execute it.
7. End of the programe.
(4)Algorithm to implement a virtual base class
1. create a base class stu
Protected section: data member rno of integer type.
Public section:
( a) member function getrno ()for input rno
(c) member function putrno() for displat rno.
2. create another class test & make it virtual to base class stu which is inherited in public mode
Protected: data members m1 7 m2 of integer type.
(a) member function getmarks(int x, int y) input the marks in two subject.
(b) member function putmarks() for display the marks.
3. create another class sport & make it virtual to base class stu which is inherited in public mode
Protected: data members score of integer type.
Public: (a) member function getscore(int n) input the score.
(b) member function putscore() for display the score.
4. in main create an object of class test t & another object of class sport s.
5. throw t & s we call the member function of classes and get our result.
6. end of programe.
(5).Algorithm to implement hybrid inheritance
1. create a class student
protected section: a string of name[20].
Public section:
(a)member function getname () for input name
(b) member function showname() for display name.
2. create an another class test publically inherit student and make it virtual
Protected section: data member marks1, marks2 of integer type.
Public section:
(a) member function getmarks() for input marks
(b) member function showmarks() for display marks.
3. create another class game publicaly inherit student and make it virtual
Protected section: data member score of integer type.
Public section:
(a) member function getscore() for input score.
(b) member function showscore() for display score.
4. create an another class which publically inherited classes test & game it show hybrid inheritance
Private section: datamember total of integer type.
Public section:
(a) member function showresult() which show the total marks
(b) call showname(),showmarks() & show scrore().
5 in main create an object of class result as st.
6 call getname().
7. call getmarks().
8. call getscore().
9. call showresult().
10. end of programe