Life has no future. Everyone in the world knows this fact, but still they like to play with their life. Everyone likes to have a short-cut in their life to achieve success. Our Intension and thoughts takes a test with our Culture and Religious Beliefs. Though our soul doesn’t want to implement certain things in our life, but still we don’t believe on our soul and do certain things which we shouldn’t. Sometime we have to kill our soul to do certain things.
Everyone wants to get Success. Success is only decided from the path we choose in our life. If we would have taken correct decision in choosing our path, we will get Success. If the path is not taken according to the requirement, then we may fail to succeed. If we want to know a person, instead of checking Property of him/her, we should check how his/her culture is, how he/she behaves with others and how is the nature of that person. There are person in majority who lives in Double Standard. Sometimes, we are not able to judge a person, who is externally very good and well behaved, but don’t have a good heart. We find this kind of people in majority. So, sometimes, it becomes little difficult to know a person.
Every person wants to become good, but there in sometimes within that person that restricts to become good. These people think a lot in taking decisions. If I will do this thing, I will have a loss. If I am going to take this step, I will remain backwards. To be ahead and to get good benefits, a person, do lots of Compromise with him/her. Many people because of their greed, they don’t take care of any relation and they don’t hesitate to break them. The person who believe that Status and Property are going to change in any moment, for them relation is one type of weapon and they could any time misuse this weapon for their benefits. Many people realize later, after achieving a lot, that what they have lost. A person moves so much ahead in their life blind-folded, that after achieving a lot, when he/she stands in front to show how much he/she has achieved, at that time he/she finds no one to appreciate him/her.
Humans split the relation in 2 parts. There are relations with someone where we have greed to get everything and there is also some relation where we don’t hope to get anything. We cut our relation with those people, with whom we are not getting anything. Humans are full of greediness. How much relations are there, which are connected to heart? There are very few. We care our child, so much that when we will become old, our children would be there with us to take care of ours. But now days, children just throw their parents out of their house.
This incident hurt a lot to their parents. How can a child become so aggressive? Parents have started to compromise such things and some of them have shifted to a new home to live their rest of life. When I used to see such people, really eyes become full of tears. Humans are really unpredictable and we don’t know how things can change in a matter of seconds.