No self righteous people can stay silent against continuous offenses against their mother tongue. Throughout the world, most revolutions happen to safeguard and preserve languages. History shows how many languages are turning into dead languages due to inactive users and insensitivity towards their own languages. Language is the medium of communication. Language is a way of human communication, intends to transfer gestures consisting of words in structured and grammatical manner. Languages are unique and it differs from region to region. Language grows with time and it adds additional vocabulary from environmental influences. It restricts to a particular community and region. Mortal mind is difficult to read and language gives proper and systematic communicative mediums to express thought process arising out of complex emotional syndromes. Own language is the most lovable language which empowers the person to speak freely and easily. There are numerous functional languages in the world. Recent live example of revolution over protection of indigenous languages happened at Crimea. Spoken languages are at the heart of our concern. Languages can give alternative explanations without any such theoretical prejudice and with it comes the significant communicative mediums which can systematically link to each other. Language is an exclusively human property. Languages have double articulation and syntax. These two separate one language from the other. Languages have numerous signs, which are an association of forma and meanings. Most part of communication of languages go with signs and form factors. It bestows a dashboard of meaning of different set of communicative mediums with which every language can convey certain specific meanings. So, this goes on show languages are important and it has deep values attached to it. It is embedded within society and entangled with customs. Human being can be in a position to distinguish huge number of signs and can correlate these with custom forms.
A human being can distinguish among distinct set of laughs and can derive different meanings of laughs coming out of it. But, it seems intrusive and it varies from person to person. Even forms of languages changes within few kilometers and so as the signs attached with these forms undergo deep changes. It leads to creation of unique meanings of some expressions. It can lead to profound disturbances within same linguistic communities. This leads to creation of dual articulation theory which brings upon the concept of syntax. The concept of syntax restricts inventory of signs to a precise level. There is still an upper limit to the number of signs human can remember. For this, the concept of syntax aims to reduce the number of signs for the convenience of humans. All these go on to prove how essential is the concept of language and how humans cannot leave without one language. Possession of languages gives ingenious inventory of signs which create “talking men”. Humans cannot leave without speaking anything. For this they have invented languages and phonetics. Humans love to articulate in their mother tongue. When outsiders try to implement their wish and stop the free flow of talk with their mother tongue, natural reactions come from their inner perception to revolt and show aggression to the aggressor.
History of Crimea:
After dissolution of erstwhile USSR (United Soviet Socialist Republic), many parts of it were divided into separate independent states. Similarly, Ukraine was formed but some part of it constituted area predominated by Russian-speaking population. Since, the beginning they were not interested to keep people who speak a separate Ukrainian language. Crimea was in the state of Ukraine which comprises over 95 percentages of Russian-speaking people. They never accepted Ukraine as their own land. In a plebiscite, people of Crimea decided to join Russia and divide their ways from Ukraine. United States and EU are very angry with these latest developments happenings in and around the Black sea area. They are reacting angrily. They have moved a resolution to remove Russia from G-8 (Group of Nations). Nevertheless, it seems this matter does not end here. Eminent political thinkers are anticipating for a considerable time war, over different parties over the forced occupation of Crimea Island in Russia.
Citizens of Crimea are under intense stress and duress under exploitative aristocratic rulers of Ukraine. People of Crimea are now enjoying and enticing the moments of joy of freedom with open hearts and smiles. They are shouting “We are free” and are dancing on the streets with hands open to sky. They are rejoicing every moment and celebrating their times of joy. For them, the day of liberation from villainous Ukraine rules is principal days of reckoning. Crimea is an island in the Black Sea. It is famous for tourism. Crimea controls most part of navigation routes of the Black Sea. Everywhere, at the Crimea, flags of Russia are floating which signifies acceptance of Russia rather than Ukraine. It all started from November 2013, when Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych decided not to sign the controversial planned association agreement with EU. Viktor Yanukovych is supporter of Russia and for this he decided not to sign this agreement, which predominantly encourages governments to declare one language as the national language. Majority Ukranian people ensured demonstrations in the capital Kiev. President Viktor wanted peace so he did not want to dilute peaceful codependence of Russian and Ukrainian people.
US and EU capitalist ambitions:
US and EU tried hard to fuel the fire within Ukrainian people to enrage them to create aggression and pressure, then Russia supported President Viktor to announce Ukraine as the sole national language. Their other demand includes de-recognition of Russian as second languages. This includes closure of Russian schools and language mediums and speaking of Russian languages in open is offensive. Some EU foreign ministers initiate mediation and after long consulting process, it was agreed to form to form a unity government. President Viktor disappeared from Ukraine after violent demonstrations and power were captured by unity government which includes leaders supported by the EU and US. Some controversial figures who are staunch loyalist for Ukrainian nationalism, figured in the government. They pressurized the government to make an act comprising of complete banishment of Russian language from Ukraine. This creates flutters and fears of psychosis among regions which are predominantly occupied by Russian major. Crimea is one such region within administrative units of Ukraine, which first experience accomplishes back lashes against linguistic decision. Crimea is a major Russian peninsula in Ukraine. Since 1990s, after dissolution of USSR, Crimea stayed with Ukraine, instead of majority view of staying with Russia. This was a controversial decision, at that time, taken by political administrator of West, which is predicted to be catapulted into major snow ball of agitation among deeply hurt Crimea peninsula of Ukraine. Since, those times, hidden fires of angers are revolving around people of Crimea and Russia.
Over 90 percentages of Crimean population is emotionally, politically and psychologically connected with people of Russia. Additional three percentages of people consist of Tatar (Ukrainian) and Muslims. In the counter revolution in “Ukraine maidan” (Ukraine Revolution), Russian people of Crimea created stir in their local assembly locations. At first, minorities of Crimea are not part of this agitation. Slowly, all people participated in this revolution to safeguard the Russian language from the clutches of Ukrainian alien government. Russian people of Crimea are minorities in the state of Ukraine. On 14th February, Ukraine de-recognized Russian language as state language and force enforcement of Ukrainian language all over the state of Ukraine. This includes Russia majority region such as Crimea peninsula in Ukraine. Last February, on a secret mission, coveted military personnel widely thought by the West as Russian personnel, covered air-ports of Crimea and Crimea Autonomous Assembly was taken over.
Psychological warfare between Russia and Ukraine:
Last attempts made for a political settlement over this ongoing crisis were made in Paris, but it yielded no results. Russian and Crimean authorities refused to talk to those in Kiev. It followed by referendum done by Crimean authorities for annexation with the Russian Federation. Ukraine has been a country where there is a transparent vacuum of political and economic mistrust among its regions. During, Communist rule of Stalin, it saw how a great economy has been transformed into a gigantic cup of mistrust and poverty. Even after so called independence from the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic) the tragic and bloody history of the 20th century is still haunted their races. All these dissatisfaction and deep rooted enmity within communities give birth to separate state movement. After dissolution of the erstwhile USSR, Ukraine has second most military power followed from Russia. Analysts believe Russia would think a hundred times before waging war against Ukraine. Removal of President Viktor under dubious situations is completely against constitutional provisions of Ukraine. Present Crimean authorities who reach power under questionable circumstances, have tried their best to control media units under Crimean authorities and presented to the world a completely opposite view of what the people of the ground saw to be done. The West appears to have been creating targeted sanctions against Russia, which they perceive Russia has violated Ukrainian sovereignty. The UK government has threatened to Russia to review all arm export licenses.
Neighboring countries of Russia are concerned about Putin’s (Russian President) policy of recreating privilege sphere of interest zones. Russia has always been of intense interest in internal matters of Crimea. The actions of Ukrainian authorities constitute anger within Crimea territory. Due to banishment of Russian language, wide spread fears among people of Crimea comprise a mass agitation in front of local assembly. People of Crimea and Ukraine confronted each other in front of parliament of Ukraine in last February. This was the last chance for Ukrainian authorities to withdraw their draconian law, aimed solely at Crimean people. But they like to go for tough action against Crimean people. This resulted in midnight takeover, of Crimean regional assembly by Russian forces. Ukrainian authority, accused President Viktor of “mass murder of peaceful citizens”, and starts probe. Germany Chancellor, called President of Russia to create a normal situation which could provide a strong and stabilized Ukraine. International Monetary Fund’s and other financial organizations prepare packages in billions to help survive Ukraine in these duress times. Everyone is confident that the crux of problem lies with financial independence of Ukraine.
Pogromists of Ukraine:
Few days later, Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov said, “armed extremists and pogromists whose actions pose a direct threat to Ukraine's sovereignty and constitutional order. ” He called them hooligans and perceived they pose greater threats to their regional sovereignty if porgomists come back to power in Ukraine. This statement holds importance, as a few years back. Russia faced the worst terrorists incidents from lands of Ukraine and specific territories. Russian parliamentarians feel, with the advent of pogromists, in the authority of Ukraine. Russia feels the pressure of the advent of extremists in immediate neighbor. Russian Parliament Duma, overwhelmingly passed a resolution to expedite the process easier for territories to join the Russian Federation. After this, non-uniformed military persons armed with heavy weapons and arms and arsenals, with no insignia, invaded local Crimea assembly overtake local assembly, and overtake all over air force units. Banished Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych appeared in the southern part of Russia. He is still arguing as the president of Ukraine and calling pogromists as the forced occupants of Ukraine authority. He is maintaining his position as not calling the Russian military for help. Russia is also not acceding that they have helped Crimea.
US and EU are equally apprehensive of nuclear power in Russia. After dissolution of the erstwhile USSR, all atomic plants stay with Russia. So far, sleepless silence of nuclear power in China also worrying world community. China is silently supporting Russian aggression of Crimea. China always sides with Russia and have been opposing any such move from US and EU groups. During confrontation of China with Japan, it got vital support from Russia over a dispute over the island of the Pacific Ocean. China is seen as supporting the Russian view point, but it is showing as if it is in a neutral position so far. Indian continues to be in the stage of neutrality and does not appear to support the West and the East. Owing to election time, Indian government cannot take vital decisions as the authority of decision making is accepted by the election commission of India. This seems to be the perfect environment for India not to take any side of a decision making body. On March 18, Russia releases its latest modified map, which shows Crimea as a state of Russia. President of Russia, Putin signs contract with regional authority of Crimea. Putin unilaterally announces Crimea as part of Russia. United Nations opposes this move, and called this action unlawful and unjustified. Russia also announced that it is not interested in acquiring other parts of Ukraine. Why there has to be Russia to acquire Crimea, even 15 years after the dissolution of the USSR?
Post soviet space and specific geo-political and social interests of Russia:
With expansionist attitude of wider Europe of the European Union, it is slowly engrossing into territory which has long discussed the sphere of national interests of Russia. The process of European enlargement creates intimate cooperation between Ukraine and Euro-Atlantic institutions. EU and Russia have been pursuing to learn how to control post-soviet space, which creates serious problems in their bilateral relations. As midterm strategy, Russia anticipates the European Union to delegate controlling power to it so that space emptied by Russia will not be gained by forces of the European Union. The idea of developing relationships between the EU and Russia is established on shared value of maintaining peaceful coexistence. EU succinctly improved related strategies were pragmatic development of Ukraine is possible through assimilation of Ukraine to Euro-Atlantic institution. Ukraine was confident the process of enlargement of the EU. Over the years western and southern part of Ukraine has the realization that the EU will no longer add to their circle and that is how they turned towards deeper cooperation with Russia.
This pragmatic approach towards Russia, gives them low gas price which helps revive their economy. However, the prospect of wider Europe, joining with the EU, is slowly vanishing; even though from time to time there have been some token symbolism gestures from EU towards Ukraine. At the onset of “Orange revolution” in 2004, some hopes rise from reviving good relationships with EU. Due to availability of the lowest gas prices, Ukraine had to curtail relations with EU. This gives the impression to the West that it had a pro-Russian president. Putin’s ambition of complete integration of former USSR constituents leads to fear among EU and US. Russian Federation introduces easier act to access and unite former constituents of the USSR and it poses greater challenges to the expansion of NATO and EU. Russia controlled the entire energy infrastructure of Ukraine and therefore it presses for further alignment of Ukraine from EU and NATO units.
Dimensions of Russia-Ukraine relationships:
After dissolution of USSR, Russia under Moscow becomes the biggest independent country. It perceives to assume a significant role in European and global security. Russia has great faith in Euro-Atlantic structures which aim at deeper cooperation with Russia and less eagerness to see Ukraine cooperating with the West. IN 2000, unwanted and unjustified intervention of NATO in dealing with Kosavo problem makes apprehension among the administrative ranks of Russia. It perceives control of the area around Russia is the ultimate strategy to build status within the European Union. After dissolution of USSR, power and status of Russia are on a constant decline in the world arena. It perceives to be done by adopting the formula of expansion and enlargement among neighboring nations to create a safe place for its own arena. Beginning of the Battle of post-soviet space (PSS) begins with the 2004 election of Ukraine. Russia supports advocates of “orange revolution” and able to create a strong space among voters. US and EU sensed it as expansion of power in Atlantic regions and most importantly the commercial voyage route of the Black Sea. Russian president continually criticized undemocratic and nuisance approach of Ukraine election and time and again throws verbal attack against Ukrainian regime and west for continuous support towards Ukraine considering the perceived risk it proposes towards Russia.
Even neutral geo-political analysts opine EU’s unwanted infringement of affairs of Atlantic zones would irritate the foremost nation on that locality. Russia being the single most dominant nation has historically been an irritant of trespasser attitude of EU. They have predicted this could in future be making of such gargantuan conflict zones and the recent development in and around the Black Sea area gives proper testimony to this. It all started with deeper infringement of pecuniary rights of the erstwhile USSR. Resulting from large scale break down of economic and financial status, in 1990s, Russia had to constantly face pressures from the EU to initiate its market to foreign players. This, increases suspicion and deep sense of anonymity towards EU and the West. During those times, EU is adopting the policy of “interventionist paradigm” on one hand and on the other it continues to perceive the policy of pressure to Russia to create a deep sense of paranoid towards attitudes of EU. This builds deep dissatisfaction among Russian who perceives to be slowly losing their financial independence from EU. It follows a dual path of an open hand with the EU as well as Russia.
Geo-economics and energy dimension:
Steel, alcohol and sugar are three prominent trade objects between Russia and Ukraine. Trade wars fought between two countries and introduction of various trade measures such as trade quotas and restrictions fueled fire between two neighboring nations. Russia introduces “Common Economic Space” (CES) which consists of a free trade zone devoid of restrictions and exceptions. Ukraine facilitates smuggling of agricultural goods to Russia, which further weakens Russian economy. Angered Russian authorities introduced sanctions without restrictions on Ukraine. This irrelevant and illogical and unequivocal sanction against Ukraine possibly goes on to prove pragmatic and free trade relations with Ukraine. The integration process could be difficult in future due to lack of trust and faith among former Soviet countries. Russia aims at penetration of different national players into different free trade zones and aims to gain significant benefits from these acquisitions. Energy giants of Russia have tried to occupy competitive spaces within European markets and they failed miserably there. Most raw material companies could not create their own spaces within world spheres.
This stems from the fact that most spaces are not vacant and people tend not to change conventional energy sources. But, Russia felt most member nations of the EU are promoting redistribution of market through bureaucratic means and supposedly obstructing smooth passage of its companies to prosper in the world market. Russia wants to get economic revenge of companies of EU nations by implementing strict gateway restrictions among former Soviet nations in order to stop a bigger middle class market of already established EU market. Principal energy companies have deep nexus within administrative elites within Moscow administrative circles. It goes to show the expansion of nation-state capitalist relationships which is infamous in pre-Soviet era. Gazprom is the biggest oil extracting company and the Russian government is promoting this company in foreign lands to purchase gas pipelines and tenders. This creates flutters within existing energy giants of EU such as France, Great Britain. This policy of expansion of national companies to different other nations is being actively pursued by Putin’s government irrespective of changed directions from EU. This mercantilism becomes central towards Russia’s foreign economic policies. This result in the creation of protectionist policies and shutting down of the open market to different EU countries. Moscow argues that the most restrictive policies aims at an open market are curved to make convenience for major EU nations. This policy of restrictive open market propelled by EU nations is also one class of pshed0-mercantilism as analysts of Russia thought it to be. It considers such attitude as discrimination against Russian business house. Unannounced ban on “Gazprom”, national energy company of Russia by prominent EU countries citing security and local issues has fueled the fire to already ignited mercantile competitiveness from both sides.
Conflict over national oil company of Russia:
Russia is rich in energy production and it is the single most prominent factor with which it can equally talk with wealthy nations on an equal footing. Russian wants major world player on energy requirements. It does not wish itself to place in a disadvantageous position of apprentice. Russia is slowly working hard to shift the power structure within the EU by implementing interventionist paradigm within former Soviet constituents. That is why Russia wants full economic control and for this it is supplying oil to Ukraine in fewer prices than west. In earlier stages, these offshore companies are paying our debt to barter systems but later on after their losses cleared. They incur heavy profits. These offshore intermediary companies have ownership of prominent political figures from Ukraine and Russia. They want good relationships between both countries so that they can monopolies oil market. West is worried over inverting oil prices and fluctuating inflation in oil energy sector is creating cause of concern among major countries of the West. Slowly, it affects their economy and inflation. They wish to break the nexus barrier between Russia and Ukraine. If this is not stopped Russia can become prosperous nation within a few years. That is why Ukraine is the bone of contention between Russia and EU.
Russia reduces gas supply to Ukraine despite a contractual agreement with the EU and Ukraine stole Russian gas from pipelines and supply in discounted prices to EU. All these results in a deep sense of anonymity and dissatisfaction among members of the EU and Russia. Russia’s nationalized oil company signed an agreement with an intermediary company to sell oil to EU nations. This creates tension within ranks of Ukraine administration as importance of the transit route through Ukraine decreases further. Ukraine goes to have to talk with intermediary company instead of Russia. This ends their bargaining power and their economy is solely based on energy supply from Russia. Slowly, this makes confusion within Ukraine and their economy begins to go on the slide. Russia slowly increases pressure and starts to interfere with politics and economies of the Black Sea region. On the other hand, members of the EU have entered into a contract with the Shtokman gas field for energy requirement and compel Russia to obey the principle of economic liberalism and free trade.
The threat of Western sanctions had so far no real constraints on Russia’s action. Russia is such as to hold its position on Crimea so far to influence politics in and around central and western Ukraine. There is a lesser chance of full scale war in the modern day, but there is the worst chance of lucrative war between Russia and EU in future. Russia holds oil energy capacity and Ukraine holds transit route of oil energy to the West. Russia overtakes Crimea. In the near future; transit route can be controlled fully by Russia. In addition to it, commercial voyage in and around the Black Sea should be in complete control with Russia. If Russia deploys its troops in Crimea, there is every chance of a blockade of the transit route to Eastern Europe and this can be catapulted into a major economic crisis in the near future. The Russian economy will be at all time low, with zero percentages of growth predicted with constant hike in interest rates multiplying by zero percentages of investment could pose serious economic drain in and around the financial market of Russia. People will spend less in a catastrophic situation such as profitable war like environment and markets will find less consumer and fewer new goods will reach shopping malls. Many industries will find difficult to continue in natural environments, resulting in mass exodus of talented professionals to freelance. This tension will continue till war-tension ease. Russia will face tougher sanction in order to reverse its military position. Russian currency Ruble will be under pressure and this can give a positive impact to the oil and energy sector. West is planning to ban domestic companies of Russia in the near future to exert pressure. Domestic markets such as banks and retail sector will be affected hard due to less purchasing power of consumers. Inflation eats purchasing power of customers and they tend to save more than spending. They will not take any loans and this could influence the performance of banks and affect their profits.
Rise of mercantile commercial activities of Russia:
Ultimately government will support their market with possible favorable reforms and announcement of definite economic measures. What will this give impact to different aspects of commercial and mercantile banking is a subject that has to be seen. On the contrary, Ukraine will find the most propitious aid from the West and they will be helping wholeheartedly to Ukraine to help them out of economic and financial crisis. In the past, on numerous occasions Ukraine has been constantly advising by the West to give assurance of support on financial matters but most of the time these assurances seem to be done on some bloating papers. It can face stiff fiscal concern of all time. Eastern Europe has no indigenous energy capacity as it has to depend upon Gulf and Russia principally to cater to their need to support their energy need. They are receiving oil energy through transit route of eastern Ukraine (Crimea) and the Black Sea. Now, the entire route is overtaken by Russia as a result of accession of Crimea. Price of oil will be monitored by Russia and this is the most annoying aspect of the EU as in the past after the dissolution of the USSR. Russia is faced with constant harassment from Eastern European countries in spheres of economic and mercantile commercial activities.
The opening of Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia gives a major boost to its potential productive market share. In economic war like situations Russia is still seeing improvements in its probable devalued market situations. Though in minuscule sense, renowned antivirus company Norton offers Android and Apple mobile operating system (OS) variant for free to people worldwide, generating a sense of fear among people of all over world as if there is still chance of pursuing dangers of hacking lurking in and out of Russia. Though it might be over-hyped and over ambitious but the fear over Russia in intruding cyber spheres is imminent of sheer download of Norton mobile users all over the world. After Olympic is over, analysts find war like situation in and around Russia and this affects investment environment and this caused major thrust back to an emerging economy such as Russia. The affirmative side is emerging of Russian e-Commerce market. Its email company is a major email marketing company and it offers many email management for free and it is now been adopted by many non-Russian countries owing to the advent of Google Chrome. Russian based file-cloud hosting is offering huge cloud space for free and this allows people to leave traditional cloud such as drop box, Google drive and use Russian companies from far away from Russia. It is almost impossible to stop and forbid Russian servers in West and this can give immense benefits to Russia in this ultimate economic ban situation. Ukraine’s economy is a function of steel, mineral products and machine. It solely consists of heavy industries. The structure of exports of Ukraine’s is mostly to former Soviet countries. In the last few years share of exports of Ukraine to the EU is considerably decreasing. This also leads to massive scale resentment towards EU and that resulted in creation of “Orange Revolution”.
Ageing Ukrainian population:
Availability of labor is a major problem within Ukraine population. In the last decade, its population is surprisingly decreasing beyond comprehension. Its population is an ageing population which has minuscule labor class. This results in less productivity in industrial sectors. Cost of labor on a higher side. This enhances the price of production. Export market is very competitive and slightly higher price products can be refused by customers. With fewer exports, productivity is continually on reducing trend. It has very weak private sector, and considerably less market competition. Powers of market regulatory authority is minuscule resulting in large scale corruption in every walk of life. Corruptions eats out good companies and large multinational companies like to stay out of Ukraine market environment in order to avoid cancerous corruption dropping in and out of Ukraine market. Education among youths is on the higher side but due to lack of facility and cropping of age-old Soviet era. Intellectual minds are leaving nations creating a strong void of manual as well as intellectual class in and around Ukraine. This is showing in the less prospering of industries as this can result in continual dependence of foreign imports which can ruin the economy in the long run.
All are not harmful for Ukraine. Location of it can be a great marketing hub of the world. It is mostly the transit route through which land, air and water navigation is possible. Its proximity to major industrialized nations is a major gain and these can possibly crop up increasing revenues and other aspects of commercial investments. It has large fertile agricultural land, which can be cultivated to create a major agrarian power in this locality. Among all Soviet nations, it has a vast array of fertile lands and these can be cultivated into make the exceptional situation of a strong self-sufficient agricultural productivity. It has a huge population and a well-educated mass with lower-middle income groups. It makes a vast area rich in mineral resources coupled with areas consisting of unconventional oil and gas. It can attract large multinational companies to utilize minimalists spending powers of its lower income groups. It has fewer external exchanges due to fewer multi-national companies enters into market. Its indigenous companies are finding no takers in the international arena.
Autonomy of Crimea:
Ukraine is no longer a federal state, but Crimea holds the status of autonomy. There 100 Member of Parliament of Crimea and the executive power rests with parliament subject to approval of President of Ukraine. Economy of Crimea is primarily dependent on tourism, fishing, and hospitality industries. It does not have the authority to impose the tax. It just has to depend upon central grant to run its economy. It is permitted to call elections and hold referendum. Though the referendum should not be for the purpose of secession. Russia has eight times army personnel than Ukraine. It has twice number of reserved forces than Ukraine. Russia has 64 submarines compared to single submarines of Ukraine. 13,000 personnel strong Black Sea fleets are headquarter at Sevastapol in Crimea. Owing to large scale economic problem and squabbling diplomatic situation it has been difficult for Russia to upgrades its military capability. Many of its vessels are old and most of them are from the erstwhile Soviet era which desperately needs up gradation. Russia’s rebuttal on capturing Crimea has been criticized and supported by numerous analysts and this creates a deep sense of confusion for and against the acquisition of a foreign land. Russian is comparing this situation to a humanitarian intervention and reason for accretion is principally on security point of view. This seems to be the tendency in the world arena after unlawful exist in Kosovo, which is supported by many independent observers as perceived to be bias and vast understatement of principal justice. It is a pity to learn about such childish justifiable actions on the part of Russia as additional states could infringe restive population of Russia considering the same set of rules that is applied to acquire Crimea. Acquisition of Russia of Crimea territory is a plain breach of sovereignty.
Crimea had declared independence on 11th of March, before referendum. According to the Ukrainian constitution, referendum for plebiscite of certain regions can be made when all parts of Ukraine go on this and give the majority opinion. Referendum of Crimea is unlawful and unjustified according to the Constitution of Ukraine. Kosovo has been subjected to more than ten years of complete violence by most Yugoslavian president. To compare Kosovo with Crimea is completely unjustified according to some eminent scholars. As Kosovo desperately need humanitarian need as there is wide scale government sponsored violence to abolish a particular race from extinction. On the contrary, the situation of Crimea is not the same thing. There is no such extinction problem of masses, but people want respect and go out from the standard of secondary citizenship. It is primarily linguistic war in the grass root level. In the administrative level it is mostly, the conflict of economic and financial constraints. Depending on some analysts, there has been no massive or small level oppression among people of Crimea to create disillusionment and disenchantment among Russian-speaking Crimean population.
Aftermath of referendum of Crimea:
With every incident, there appears to be historical facts and build ups that act as a catalyst agent in reflecting positive and negative incidents. Political analysts of East exemplify the Kosovo incident for justification of Russia’s aggression over Crimea. Kosovo is the erstwhile state of Serbia and this incident took place in 2008. During that time nowhere in the world voice of opposition against this move is shouted out. Supporters always feel action for Kosovo is justified as it is a humanitarian crisis. There are still two sides to a coin. A glass can be considered as half empty for one and half occupied by others. In similar circumstances to Crimea, people of Kosovo did referendum and plebiscite on their own, though it is not permitted in the constitution of Serbia to hold a plebiscite on their own to separate from their main land. It happens without violence. Now, due to economic and financial constraints West is heating up the issue of Crimea accusation of Russia and this entire world appears to be divided on different lines. Over a strip of land, every player is playing politics. EU and US hold an emergency meeting of 28 foreign ministers. 21 officials who preside over referendum of Crimea are banned and their wealth is ceased. This move irritates many as how can EU and US consider this plebiscite as unlawful and unjustified without challenging in international court of justice.
All these moves indicate a massive power struggle among the western and eastern world over power prominence of energy circles. Among all these global conflicts among nations people in the world are forgetting what people of Crimea want and why they have opted to unite with Russia despite staying with Ukraine for over 15 years. People of Crimea felt they have been treated as “set of potatoes” by the people of Ukraine. Now, they are feeling the fresh air of freedom. Since, the inception of Crimea with Ukraine, people of Crimea are not satisfied and justified by this inclusion. There has been continuous increase of disillusionment within residents of Crimea. Regional Crimean government constitutes its own central bank for residents of Crimea. Russia is expected to aid the central bank of Crimea in building a positive economic and financial outlook.
Is Yanukovych the legitimate leader of Ukraine?
On 22 February 2014, Ukraine parliament overwhelmingly supported impeachment motion against President Yanukovych. 328 members voted overwhelmingly to impeach president. He was considered as a supporter of Russia and for this west and Ukrainian patriots desperately wants him to be drawn from office. Article 108-112 of Ukrainian Constitution states, the unwanted situation must be examined by a committee, and Constitution Court must relinquish order to initiate impeachment motion against the current president. President of Ukraine is considered as head and supreme power person. After obtaining a report from the Constitution Court, the report will send to Parliament. Parliament should have three quarters majorities to perform the process of impeachment. Sadly, during this process of parliament does not get three quarters of the majority. This proves, there is external pressure and power which want to remove democratically elected chairman of Ukraine. This means Yanukovych is still legitimate president of Ukraine, and impeachment procedures performed without adhering to the Ukrainian Constitution. According to constitutional authority of the president ceases to exist in three further occasions such as inability, ill health or death. President Yanukovych is alive and in Russia. Depending on the Ukrainian Constitution, he is still recognized president.
United Kingdom is justifying impeachment on the ground of “effective control” by President. Yanukovych vacated his post of president and the place of supreme power is not in his “effective-control”. This seems to be a childish argument of justifying unlawful and forced exit of an elected president through back door trespassing of European Union and United States. How can the constitution of the United Kingdom be applied to the constitution of Ukraine? Russia is claiming after violent dispatch of popular elected government at Kiev (Capital of Ukraine). Russia is claiming the new government is a threat to Russia and Russian speakers of Ukraine. They are showing refuge catastrophe from Crimea as a result of oppression from new fundamentalist government of Ukraine. Independent observers have negated all these charges. He said they are self-defense groups and perhaps uniforms of the Russian military have been stolen from their warehouse. All these arguments seem unjustified and do not hold any substantial base. There is no evidence of large scale exodus of refugee that can be called as catastrophe. Russia compares this party with former Germany nationalist party of Adolf Hitler.
Black clouds on black sea:
Pro-nationalist forces of Russia and Crimea support Russian incursion into Ukraine territory. During recent “brown revolution”, there are evidences of current leaders of Svoboda who are actively participating and fuelling these agitations. There are no confirmed documents that said about aiding of these revolutions from west or EU, but still there are plenty of indications to suggest that they are pretty much interested in establishing their own supporters. Ukraine is strategically important to Russia. Its border runs along a hundred miles and the Black Sea fleet of Russia is situated in Ukraine. Turkey is in southern part of Moscow and Russia wants a buffer protection through Ukraine. A potentially opposite government in Ukraine can prove to be disastrous in the front of economic and financial engagement for Russia. Historically, Russian people are closer to Ukraine as their early civilization props up near river Dnieper of Ukraine. Russian people can understand Ukranian language. Both have the same route, though Ukranian language is closer towards Polish language. Moscow became the capital of Russia in the Middle ages. Crimea has always been via the city of Moscow and Kiev. Historically, Crimea is easily accessible by water from Moscow and by road from Kiev. Former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych wrote a letter to the United Nations seeking active help from world leaders and specifically Russian military to intervene and stop “act of terror”.
What options do Western leaders have?
Western countries have so far given suppressed quotes in these developments. They have called for action and targeted financial sanctions against Russia. They hope, with all these pecuniary sanctions, Russia will be compelled to act on behalf of their own wishes. In the winter Olympics, many Western leaders have boycotted their participation there and so far there has been suppressed opinions among Western leaders. They do not want to be seen as supporting the current Ukrainian government as it has done countless unconstitutional acts for getting into power. In the past, during the Iran conflict, West has blocked Iranian institutions from entering into their market. It has no difference to fiscal health of Western, but conversely Iranian companies have incurred huge losses due to surface ban on West. US cannot do the same financial prohibition on Russia, as West has to depend heavily on Russia in oil and energy sectors. These fiscal measures can be boomerang on the west and it has to face a deep economic and financial crisis as a result of this sanction. For this, west and US could not implement strict monetary sanction against Russia. Complete ban on gas supply from Russia could impact greater disaster in Eastern European countries. Most countries are primarily dependent on direct gas pipe lines from Russia. China seems to be keeping a low profile in this conflict. In an article on Chinese government paper, it compels leaders of the West to see this crisis by including Russia’s concerns. It is clear that China wants to stay in a low profile as well as it wants to have good relationships with Ukraine. It reiterates territorial integrity of Ukraine is of paramount importance and it has to be preserved at any cost. Response of India is still awaited as it is going under fresh parliamentary election and ban on political leaders to speak anything on this issue. It is about me be interesting, perspective of a new government in this deeper Russia-Ukraine crisis.
After collapse of cold-war regime, India slowly moves away from the cloud of Russia to enter into friendly territory of US. Even in the last few years the relationships between India and Russia are not on high esteemed side.
Conclusion and recommendation:
In the light of everything that has been discussed in this write-up, we could say that response to the query that exit of Ukraine from the intimate sphere of Russia is the key cause of a dispute on that area. Shrinking of post-soviet place is the main cause of worry within administrative ranks of the Russian population. The win-lose relationships between Russia and Ukraine could possibly determine the future course of action in which the proper guidance and subjective preferences over superfluous fears need to be repeated in order to create a congenial environment within Balkan regions. West and US should look into this crisis in the perspective of Ukraine and Russia. They are so far been reading this crisis in the eye of Ukraine. Though most of them are giving passive reactions which is still maintaining status qua within different spheres of people in this collision zone. Diversify energy issues and transit routes so that in the future civil conflict will not have any significant impact on oil and energy transit routes and financial market. The EU should have implemented stringent measure against Ukraine on supply of oil and energy sources to eastern European countries. Exports of EU should offer technical advice to obscurity Russian gas supply and try to reduce unwanted gas reductions. Security is measure concern in the Balkan region. EU along with Russia should introduce the joint peace keeping forces and cooperative security measures to preserve this area from external aggression. Now, it is very difficult for the EU to have strong bilateral talks with Russia and post-soviet countries which are mostly united with Russia.
Brussels (Headquarter of EU) sees popular agitations and revolutions are means to augment democracy. Nevertheless, this view is based on many contradictions. In 2004, famous “Orange Revolution” is termed as illogical and disbanded by EU.In 2014, the infamous “Brown Revolution”. They should look at India to learn how the government has not made Hindi compulsory, but introduce different language systems and options for students to have a good look at their career. Some of leaders of the current government have roots to fascist ideology which can eat out all democratic minded people inside Ukraine. EU should build trust within ranks of the Russian administration to build these ambience structures within basic sphere of Russian administrative units.
Advent of English languages to the curriculum of Russian and Ukrainian students should do in order to expand the scope of students to join foreign universities and courses. Prestigious Moscow University can provide added convenience to “socially responsible elite students”, and expose them to international affairs and make them perfect ambassador of peace and stability. European Union should act as passive peace maker and should establish an environment of peace and stability all over Balkan and Eastern Europe region. Russia should understand great power and super power do not come with battle ships, increasing number of army units and other forms of military excellence. Great power comes with a stable economic and financial environment coupled with stronger GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and a vibrant and well educated socially responsible elites. Proud history of Russia suggests it has outstanding humanitarian institutions which have devoted maximum time in creating and shaping basic standards of people.