Do you think what will be happen if your parents would starts loving some other child instead of you? I know you are thinking what a silly question I'm asking and making you feel bored. But such things are actully happening today. Now a days some parents thinks that their child is not so well especially in case of girl child. Some Parents in India don't want the girl child as she is some other's property. So they use to love their boy child and hate their girl child.
Even many educated people do so they hate girl child. Infact they tried to kill her. Female infantiside is most common in our country we all know it very well. People do check at the time of pregnancy whether the child is a boy or girl, if the child would be a girl then the result is nothing else its abortion. Why the hell they don't even understand that girls are also a human being they also have the right to be live here in the world.
Please stop killing the female child, I'm praising. Do you want to create the battle of 3rd world war for a girl?
ANS my question...