The Bible is made up of two books called "The Old Testament" and "The New Testament". This word testament means a contract, or a promise. in the Bible, it means the promises that God has made to everyone in the world.
The promise that God gave in the Old Testament was that whoever obeyed God's laws, without any failure or mistake, would have life and blessings. The Old Testament also records the utter failure of all mankind, and their rebellion and enmity toward God.
The promise that God has given in the New Testament is based on the death of Jesus Christ, God's Son, on a cross. It is a promise that Jesus death was to atone(or pay) for our sins so that we can enter the Kingdom of God. Those who believe in Jesus Christ can be sure that their sins were taken away forever and forgiven by God, because Jesus took our place; he became our substitute and stood before God to take the punishment that sinful people deserve. Now we have everlasting life from God, and we live in hope of soon entering God's wonderful Kingdom of Heaven.
The Old Testament was written before Christ, by many writers, between 1500BC and 400 BC.Some of its writings are the oldest writings i the world. The New Testament was written by Jesus disciples between 30 AD and 90 AD. Most of this booklet consists of quotations from the New Testament.
In the world today there are 6170 separate languages spoken by mankind. At least parts of the Bible have been translated into 1978 of these languages. More than 700 languages have the whole Bible,and more than 1000 have the New Testament. 97% of the world's people can read Bible in their own toge, and more than 100 million Bibles are printed every year. Tere is o ter book i te world that has even 10% of tis sort of distribution.
Of course , the reason for the tremendous influence and respect for the Bible is because it tells about Jesus and what he said . In this said, miserable and sinful world it is like a beacon light of hope and salvation, guiding us to heaven.
How blessed is the other person who knows, understands and believes its message!
"The bible has been given us by God to teach us wisdom that will lead us to salvation.It was written under the inspiration of God's Spirit, and teaches what is true, tells what is evil, aorrects us, and is useful to lead us into the path of righteousness."