The world needs leaders. Many people have wrong understanding of what leadership really is. A leader is not a boss. A leader is not the one who simply commands others t do something. A leader is not the one who occupies high position in society.
Then, who is a good leader?
A good leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
A good leader must know what he has to do. Leadership qualities are found n every one of you. These qualities are dormant or sleeping in every person. Find out your abilities and talents.
After knowing your abilities and talents you must go ahead to do something with courage.
If only you do something for others, they will like you. Service is the most important thing to be found in a leader.
Qualities required of a leader
Ten main points
- Ability to work for particular cause
Do everything with a purpose. Do your maximum for the cause that you aim at.
- Never give orders blindly
A leader is not a boss. No one likes you if you give orders to them. But rather do and show the righting. Saying is easy but practicing is difficult.
- Keep in mind, `` I can do’’ attitude
Think that are ale to do something or others. A positive thinking is required for a good leader.
- Develop a sense of responsibility
You are responsible for your words and actions. Do not blame others when something goes wrong.
- Take initiative-self starter
Intuitive means willingness to do something first. Do not wait for somebody to do first but rather must do first. You must be a self-starter; then others will follow you.
- Be friendly to all
Do not think of religious or caste differences. All are one. We have a common religion called brotherhood. If we are brotherly, doing and sharing, then God is with us.
- Accept your mistakes
Accepting mistakes shows your large heartedness. A narrow minded person cannot accept his mistakes.
- Be what you are
You have your qualities and short comings. That is what you are. Do not imitate cheap qualities that you find in others. Do not worry about your limitations. Whatever you have is your own. Be happy with what you are.
- Be punctual in everything
Whatever you do must be done according to some definite plans and time. Punctuality reveals your character, you decision, your smartness and your feelings for others.
- Be pleasant always
Keep a natural smile on your face; do not be angry with others. Give your best to others and the best will come back to you. The more you are pleasant the greater will be your popularity.