Nature is full of wonders. Trees form an important part of the nature. They are useful in by all means. They appear in various forms in nature. Some are decorative, some are economical, some are medicinal while some are amazing in their appearance and feature.
some amazing trees found in nature are:
1) Allspice tree:
All spice takes its name from its aroma and taste which has a combination of spices, especially cinnamon, cloves, ginger and nutmeg. A single fruit of tree contains taste of many spices and hence used as flavouring agent. Allspice is a dried fruit of Pimeta diocia plant. the fruit is picked when it is green and unripe and traditionally dried in the sun. the fruit has a longer shelf life and the produce more aromatic products when freshly ground before use. They are grown in tropics and subtropics with normal gardening soil.
All spice is one of the most important ingredient of Caribbean cuisine. It is also used in commercial sausage preparation and curry powders. It has also been used as deodorant. the volatile oil of the palnt acts as a weak antimicrobial agent. Allspice also provides relief for indigestion.
2) Laughing tree:
The leaves of these tree contains a typical roughness on its surface. When these leaves are rubbed against each other, they produce laughing sound. This tree is found in dense African forests. The Negroes used to believe that these trees are the dwelling place of ghosts and hence they never used to pass near these trees.
3) Man-eating tree:
This tree can be referred to any of the various legendary carnivorous trees that are large enough to kill and consume a person or a large animal. This tree is called as Ya-Te-voe which means, " I can see you." It is a carnivorous tree growing in parts of Central and South America with cousins in Africa and on the shores of the Indian Ocean. It does not appear abnormal. When a large animal or man walks under its branches, at this point barbed vines of this tree extends down from the tree and wrap themselves around the animal. The animal is then lifted up into the foliage, crushed to death, and consumed. It is said to have occasionally taken humans.
4) Blood sucking Tree:
The leaves of these trees have a specific tendency. If the leaf is placed on the skin, then the spines on the surface of the leaf sucks the blood from the skin. This process is completely painless. The person concerned is not at all aware that his blood is sucked.
5) Traveller's tree:
This tree is called so because the water it accumulates in its leaf bases has been used in emergencies for drinking. This tree grows in Madagascar. The trunk resembles resembles that of a palm tree and attains a height of 27 meters. At top of the tree are banana like leaves, with pale midribs that give a fan like appearance. The leaves are 4-5 m long, and each leaf base shaped like a huge cup, holds about 1 liter of rainwater. The tree is useful for travellers.
6) Light producing trees:
These trees are found near Murchison waterfall in Africa. There is a specific layer on the surface of leaves of these trees. During day, these trees absorbs sunlight and emits light during night. These trees are also called as luminescent trees and it contains luciferase gene which is responsible for light effect. These trees are very useful for the passerby to find their path from forests in night.
7) Dyanamite tree:
This tree is also called as Sandbox tree. It is an evergreen tree of the Euphorbiaceae family. They are found in Amazon rain forests. They have many dark, pointed spines and smooth brown bark. These trees can grow to 100ft. The fruit is a large capsule with explosive dehiscence. When ripe, pods catapult the seeds as far as 100 mts. The tree is called as Dynamite tree due to the explosive sound of the ripe fruit as it splits into segments.
The tree prefers wet soil, and partial shade or partial sun. It is cultivated for shade. Before the modern pens were invented, the tree's unripe seed pods were used to make decorative pen sandboxes. Hence the tree is called Sandbox tree.
8) Milk tree:
The tree is also called as Milk tree because it yields a milky juice which is used as a wholesome and nourishing food. It grows in northern Venezuela and is also called as Cow tree. The tree has large woody roots which can easily penetrate into a stone. For several months of the year, not a single shower moistens its foliage. Its branches are dry, but when it is pierced in the trunk, there flows sweet and nourishing milk. the milk is abundantly found at the rising sun.
The milk obtained from this tree is glutinous, tolerably thick and devoid of all acridity. The people of this region drinks this milk along with bread of maize. This milk when exposed to air presents at its surface membranes, a yellowish stingy substance resembling cheese.
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