Autism is a complex disability and is related to complications in development. Autism is found in the first three years of a child’s life. It results due to a neurological disorder that affects normal functions of the brain. It also affects the development of the communication abilities of a person. Social interaction skills are also affected greatly due to this condition. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a development disability that has been mainly caused due to an abnormality in the brain. A person with ASD has a lot of difficulty in communication and social skills. A person who suffers from ASD will have a set of behaviors and would resist any kind of changes in day to day activities.
In fact, these people have the instinct to prepare well in advance for a change as they sense it coming. The person resists the change and is either very upset or completely gone lower down. Autism affects the social skills of a person. The person is certainly different from the rest of the world and behaves differently. The symptoms are not very severe and the person at times even looks very clumsy. The comments made by autistic people are usually out of sync with the rest of the world Normally in extreme cases, they are not interested in the other person at all.
Empathy is usually less in such people and being aware of the feelings of others is not possible with these people. A person who is autistic finds it very hard to be able to comprehend the feelings of others. Their ability to sympathize or empathize with the rest is much lesser than the other people are. Many cases also show a change in the empathy values, due to natural instincts or intellectual development. Conversations with such people are like a one way path.
The person suffering from autism would come across as a person who is talking to many people rather than one person. Such people usually love to talk about a specific theme. Thoughts and ideas are not exchanged much and the feelings are much lesser in conversation. People with autism generally speak about themselves a lot.
Generally, autistic children do not like to cuddled and dislike physical touch. Usually a hug or a physical contact is unwelcome to the autistic child. They also find loud noise and unpleasant things very difficult. Ambience and lighting also affect them greatly. Autistic children do not like the suddenness of a situation.