Before discussing about liver diseases and problems I would like to share a few words regarding the same. Liver is located on the upper right side of abdomen just under ribs. Structurally, it consists of two parts called the right lobes and left lobe. These two parts are further divided into four sections. The blood in our body passes through the portal veins to liver. The blood circulation that takes place from the food pipe to rectum passes through portal veins and enters liver. This blood carries food in liquid form to the liver. Then the liver utilizes this food for generation of power and energy. It also helps in destroying the toxic substances like bacteria, virus, antigen, antibody etc.
Two types of cells are found in our livers. Almost 85 percent of these cells are those of livers. Remaining 15 percent are Kupffer and stellated cells. These destroys the harmful bacterias, virus etc and removes them from our body. Antigen and antibody removes the harmful substances which could otherwise cause damage while stellated helps in retaining vitamin content within body. If the stellated cells does not function properly or enlarges abnormally then cirrhosis of liver might occur. Usually, proper functioning of our liver might get disrupted mainly because of the following three reasons--- consumption of alcohol, Hepatitis B and C virus. Besides, chronic diseases and in some cases side effects of medicines could also damage liver to a great extent.
Acute liver damage – Hepatitis
Hepatitis is generally associated with inflammation of livers. There are five types of hepatitis causes by a different type of virus. They are hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis B is responsible for malfunctioning of liver. Every type of it could result in jaundice. The enlargement of Bilirubin causes jaundice.
Hepatitis A

This is caused by food and water infected with virus. It can cause swelling and inflammation in the liver. It is not a chronic disease and can be cured easily. It is caused by a virus called HAV.
Hepatitis B and C

From Hepatitis B and C acute liver damage might occur. This could also result in chronic disease. In most cases after treatment from Hepatitis B and C it seems that it is cured but it remains within the body. This later on takes the shape of a chronic disease called Chronic Hepatitis. These two diseases are transmitted through bloods. Those who uses a lot of syringes in their body and goes through dialysis have the higher percentage of chance to get infected with Hepatitis B or C. Moreover, those who have physical relations with more than one partner or have a family history of hepatitis B, C are prone to get infected with it. To control these disease at present hepatitis B and C vaccinations are given to babies.
Surveys reveal the fact that in India alone four to five person out of every hundred are infected with hepatitis B virus but in Africa this ratio is even higher. Hence in India there is a slim chance of anyone getting effected with the disease easily. Now, those babies who get this disease from their mothers suffers for a longer time with it than who are above the age of twenty. The disease is prolonged in two way.
* The disease remains within the body but does not effect liver. Hence the virus does not multiplies.
*The virus remains within the body, multiplies and effects liver.
*Hepatitis B virus multiplies in the form of 10 to power 13 rate and its life span in body ranges from four to five days. The more virus multiplies in number, it causes damage to the liver. First, the symptom is jaundice. Later, it turns into Cirrhosis and results in liver failure.
The treatment of the disease is very expensive. Every week patients need to be injected throughout the year. The cost of each injection is around Rs 13,000. Moreover, one needs to take certain medicines throughout the year. The price of the medicines ranges from Rs 40,000 to 100000. Now-a-days, doctors ask patients to go for the treatment of three to five years. Almost 70 percent of the disease is curable after treatment if it is detected at first stage. Hepatitis B is caused by the virus HBV.
Hepatitis C

Now let us know about hepatitis C in detail. Its symptoms are similar to hepatitis B but in this case age is not the determining factor about severity of disease. If anyone is effected with hepatitis C then it is a major problem irrespective of age and in 90 percent cases it takes the shape of a chronic disease. It is more harmful in comparison to hepatitis B. The chances of getting cured varies from mere 60 to 70 percent. There is hardly any better medicine available in the market for treatment. The cost of the treatment is similar to that of hepatitis B. Basically, treatment is done through injections to control the disease. Hepatitis C is caused by the virus called HCV.
Hepatitis D

Those who have hepatitis B could also get infected with hepatitis D and the disease spreads with infected blood, dirty needles, unprotected sex etc. It causes swelling of liver and it is caused by the virus HDV.
Hepatitis E

It is caused by drinking virus infected water and food which very often leads to jaundice. Swelling of the liver occurs but these diseases get cured easily after proper diagnosis. It is caused by the virus HEV.
Liver Cirrhosis

Apart from hepatitis alcohol also destroys liver. Occasional consumption of alcohol destroys the kidney but not effect liver much. Drinking alcohol for 10 to 20 years may result in the Cirrhosis of liver. Those who are infected with the disease suffers from disorders of brain, nerve and their level of vitamin within body gets effected. It is recommended not to take alcohol during the diagnosis of disease other wise consequences might be fatal. Drinking alcohol should be given up for life time in this case.
Liver damage or Cirrhosis could be even from birth in some of the cases.
In some complicated cases also liver cirrhosis occurs like in hemosiderosis in which the iron cells in blood increases and get accumulated in the liver finally destroying it.
Wilson Disease

Wilson disease results in the increasing of copper in liver and injures tissues. This damage would cause the liver to release copper directly in blood stream thereby harming your other organs like kidneys, brains and eyes. The symptoms include swelling of the liver, yellow skin, anemia and fatigue. Its treatment goes on for life time and it deals with controlling the amount of copper in body.
PCB (Primary Biliary Cirrhosis)

PCB or Primary Biliary Cirrhosis results in creating certain antibody within the body of patient and causes harm to liver. PCB effects the small bile ducts inside liver and its nearby cells. Its symptoms include laziness, dryness of eyes, mouths and itchiness. This disease is mostly found among women who ranges from the age of 35 to 70. Though it can occur to any men and women regardless of age.
Now the good point it that there is a treatment process to get relieved from these three diseases which I have mentioned above. If symptoms are seen in the first stage it could well be brought under control. The symptoms of Cirrhosis include lose of appetite and weight, feeling weak, sickness etc. Earlier treatments always helps in preventing Cirrhosis.
HIV positive patients have minimal chances of getting effected with liver problems. In most cases patients die because of heart and mental problems. Since HIV patients bear less Immunity against diseases they have a major chance of getting effected with Cirrhosis. Mostly, they are effected with Hepatitis B and C viruses. Almost 30 percent of them are found to be effected with Hepatitis rather than HIV.
Things to remember

Too much consumption of sweets and carbohydrate foods items result in the accumulation of triglyceride substances in liver. Now this triglyceride substances results in the formation of fatty liver. The fatty liver conditions could also be as a result of Cirrhosis.
Very few skin diseases are related with liver.
Darkening of areas under the eyes and spots on body are no way related with liver.
Skin might loose its glow and freshness due to menopause but it has no direct relation with liver.
To keep liver healthy it is not essential to cut short your food menu but maintaining cleanliness and following it on regular basis is enough for proper functioning of the same.
Some kind of worms do make their habitat in liver therefore it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible or a failure of the same might occur in future.
Once getting a cure from Hepatitis it is recommended to use boiling water and to eat home made simple food for the next three months.
There are two kinds of tumors that effects our liver namely Cancer and Benign tumor. Cancer tumor damages the liver while Benign tumors first effects other parts of body and then infects liver.
Those who are once effected with Hepatitis B and C have the chance of getting infected from liver cancer. Hence it is necessary to control Hepatitis B and C.
Modern Science have reached a stage where it has cure for even the most dangerous of diseases. It is possible to cure livers problems by doing liver tumor operations. In case of livers Cirrhosis the last step that is applied is liver transplant. In our country, both private and government hospitals have the technology to do so. In case of government hospitals the cost of liver transplant is seven lakhs while in private it is around fifteen lakh. Mostly, Children and aged ones both have liver transplants with the organs of those who donates their bodies after death. Through transplant it is possible to discard the infected liver with a healthy one.
How to keep liver healthy?

Hepatitis B vaccine is important. First tests are done like Australia antigen and Hbsag and if found positive the vaccine is given.
Hepatitis A vaccine is given to a baby after birth.
Proper in take of protein in the form of fishes, meat, egg, so ya bean, Jagger etc should also be taken.
Proper intake of sugar items should be there along with other foods..
Avoid fatty foods and fried items.
Medicines to avoid pregnancy should only be taken after consulting with doctors.
Drinking of alcohol should be avoided.
Medicines should be used for any ailments only after consulting doctors.
Foods that do good to the health should only be taken on a regular basis.
One should be careful about eating sea foods.
Eating on restaurants and roads should be avoided as much as possible.
If possible use mineral water for drinking. Boiling water before drinking would also help.
Meat should be properly boiled before consumption.
Regular exercise in some form would definitely help.
Liver Diseases
Liver diseases are generally referred to those problems which causes disturbances in the functioning of liver and thereby results in sickness. Liver diseases is also called as hepatic disease. Often more than 75 percent of liver tissues needs to be get affected before any problem in the functioning occurs.
Liver diseases are of two categories. One is through birth and is know as Congenital while the other is known as Awkward, that is, one might get effected with it any time during their life span. Awkward disease is again divided into two types that is infective and non-infective. Let us check out the functions of normal human liver.
How Liver Works?

There is a fluid in our stomach called bile which helps in the digestion of food. This liquid substances consists of water, chemicals and bile acids. It remains in the gall bladder and helps in the digestion of foods. This liquid is manufactured by the liver. When we eat different kinds of food liver helps in breaking down these foods into simpler substances and provides strength to the body. The primary function of the liver is to gather strength from carbohydrates, proteins, fats, protein, vitamin related foods. Besides, it also plays an important role in eliminating the unwanted substances like toxins from our body. It also protects us from getting effected with contaminated water and germs. Liver also determines and controls the level of glucose in blood. The lever is an unique organ in the body which could replace damaged cells.
Causes of liver diseases
Liver is mostly infected with contaminated food and water. Besides it also get infected with blood and virus. In some cases through the patience gets relieved from jaundice but its germs still remains within body. Later this can create problems for the liver. Moreover, liver also get infected with unhealthy and irregular food habits.
Besides, liver can be damaged in a number of ways as follows:-
Its tissues and cells can get damaged,
Flow of bile might get barricaded,
Flow of blood might get reduced,
Cells can get inflamed like that in hepatitis.
Moreover other factors like:-
Consumption of alcohol,
Due to the intake of medicine for some ailment,
Viral infections
Liver Related Diseases
Some of the liver related diseases are as follows – Stools with blood, constipation, different kinds of jaundice, fatty stomach, enlargement of liver etc.
Symptoms Of Liver Disease
Symptoms of liver diseases include abdomen pain, jaundice, nausea, weight loss, weakness, fatigue. Some like the Gilbert’s disease have no symptoms at all. Some of the symptoms include incapability of liver to perform metabolism while other symptom may include the incapability of manufacturing proteins.
Amoebic Hepatitis
It is caused by amoeba through inflammation of the liver. Basically dysentery are of two types.
Amoebic Dysentery – This is caused by a type of amoeba.
Bacillary Dysentery – This is caused by a type of bacteria of genes Shigella.
This type of amoeba normally enters human body through food or water and make their habitat inside the it. After five to six days of their entrance in the body different types of abnormalities are seen.
Abdominal pain, straining of stool and frequent watery diarrhea are some of its characteristics symptoms. Some times mild fever are also associated with this. The patient becomes physically very weak and overall working capacity of the liver decreases. This results in chronic dysentery. This should be borne in mind that if suffers from chronic dysentery throughout a long period of time then it could also result in cancer. Because of the loss of blood one could also get effected with anemia.
Since dysentery is very much related with food or water therefore it is important to wash eatables properly and boil them before consuming the same. Care should be taken that drinking water remain free from impurities. If required water should be boiled before drinking. Besides, stomach should not be kept empty for long hours. Diseases of skin and arthritis could also arise from dysentery. Hence, a quick and prompt treatment is required while suffering from dysentery.

Poor food habits are 50 percent responsible for constipation and the remaining fifty is related with heredity. Constipation is a condition when there is less than three stool in a week and in some severe cases as low as one stool per week. The passage of stool through the colon is very slow.
Causes Of Constipation
Now-a-days due to a busy or hectic work schedule people depends more on fast food and this very often results in constipation problems. Fruits, vegetables and pulses seem to be missing from the menu chart. This very habit gives rise to constipation problems. Besides, intake of less water is also one of the reasons for it. The very pressure of present day life or depression also prevents food from getting digested properly and this somehow aggravates the problems. Hence, the remedy for this is to eat a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, brisk walking around 30 minutes and doing some sort of physical exercise regularly.
Hepatitis A, B, C effects the liver. Sometimes after going through these diseases chances of cancer increases. Hepatitis B, C, D spread through blood. Swelling of feet, gathering of fluid in the tummy, bloody stool are very much related with liver disease. When our liver gets infected with diseases it s effect is seen and felt throughout the body. When circulation of blood through the veins is not carried out properly then face, skin, nails and hair seems to be dehydrated. The circulation of blood through the veins is carried out by liver. If liver could not carry out the function properly then dark shades are seen underneath eyes. Besides, the color of eyes also changes to yellow. Our hands, legs, face seem to be swollen up and looks fluffy.
Fatty Liver

It is the accumulation of fats in liver cells. It mostly effects alcoholic patients and those who depend a lot on fast foods in their regular life. If fat is more than five to ten percent of the weight of your liver then you are affected with this disease. This disease can lead to some serious problem in the future. This disease is mostly related with the accumulation of iron, obesity and diet. There is hardly any symptoms of the disease to begin with but after a long gap of time it shows nausea, poor concentration, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness abdominal pain and enlarged liver.

The bottom line is that if we lead a simple life and follow all the golden rules regarding our health or consume fruits, vegetables or pulses regularly we could enjoy wellness on this earth. We must always remember that liver plays a vital function in our body like production of protein, metabolism, blood clotting etc and we should take care of it. Have a right mind set, give up all your ill habits, be positive and take the first step today towards a healthy life.