Do you sometimes feel like you're drowning and you want to escape because you think you're going to die? "Does it hurt your chest and feel like you stick a knife? Well, if you have these symptoms may panic is taking hold of you and it would be good reaction time.
Reasons may be thousands, especially now, but do not seek alone. ASK FOR HELP. Here you will find information to recognize a panic attack, explains psychologist and professor at the Universidad Mayor, Carlos Varas, panic attacks are episodes of extreme anxiety that occur suddenly and abruptly and whose symptoms are marked by strong palpitations, general and particularly sweating hands, shaking, chills, shortness of breath, discomfort and / or chest pain, nausea or abdominal distress, dizziness or lightheadedness, or depersonalization (it feels strange in the body).
At the same time, you may receive a clear fear of losing control or going crazy, and fear of dying, even when there is a dangerous situation or event. Management of panic. The teacher and psychologist at the Universidad Mayor, Carlos Varas, gives some practical steps to cope with this disease: The first is to recognize this picture symptomatic in his own person, so remember to turn that this intense fear is just only eso.Lo second is aware of the nature and absolutely normal human experimentation of fear, especially after the appalling disasters in our experiments territorio.Ante fear after an earthquake there is not much to do, indeed, this reaction is completely consistent and even adaptive, and of course that prepares the body to protect and prevent suffering from an injury or further damage. What it does do is regulate and decide on actions that accompany the feeling of fear. In the case of earthquakes, which themselves can and must do is prepare concrete actions to safeguard and protect oneself and others, to increase feelings of control and safety in an earthquake. This sense of control is enhanced through the coordination of the institutional network in which we mobilize, as a society should we require that schools, companies and organizations design and implement guidelines for emergency action and evacuaciones.En If you need further support to articulate all these steps and implement them effectively and to help lessen the symptoms when they are too intense and disturbing, readers are referred to mental health professionals to support learning and incorporation of these actions, and in the pharmacological control of the crisis, if necessary.