1. By soaking rice in salt water, we can remove mud in it.
2. We should wash the vegetable before we chop it.
3. Never wash the vegetable after we chop them.
4. The vegetable like raw banana should be washed before and after chopping.
5. If we drop vegetables pieces in the water which contains turmeric power then all dust and the warms present inside the vegetables will get cleaned.
6. Coriander and curry leaves are better to cut with a small size scissors as it will be comfortable to cut them.
7. The lemon which is taken out from the refrigerator will be so cool. To cut it for lime juice, we should wait till the coolness gets reduced or else we get very less juice from it.
8.The damaged egg can be boiled by adding vinegar to the water; so that the vinegar will not allow the yolk inside the egg come out.
9. Apply lemon juice to the egg before boiling, so that the egg doesn’t get break while boiling.
10. By boiling egg in the salt water, we can remove the egg Shell easily.
11. If you break the egg in aluminum or silver bowl then the sulphur present in the egg will make the bowl black in color.
12.If we break the egg in the wet bowl then the yellow yolk will not stick to the bowl.
13. If we add Fenugreek Seeds to the rice mixture of dosa while grinding then dosa will come in nice and tasty manner.