Soups as starters and appetizers form an important item in meals. Below, I would like to share a recipe for the delicous and healthy lettuce soup.



Lettuce:  3 bundles

Onions:   2

Butter:    2 tbsp

Milk:       3 cups

Mint:       small bunches

Pepper :   as per taste

Salt:         as per taste




1. Chop lettuce and onions


2. Melt butter in a vessel and fry the chopped vegetables until they become tender.


3. Add milk to the vegetable mixture


4. Cook the mixture for about 10 mins


5. Now blend the mixture in a liquidizer


6. Strain the soup and heat for a while.


7. Add salt and pepper to taste.









This simple dish is abundant in nutrients. Lettuce is a good source of chlorophyll and Vitamin K.  And, as with all other green leafy vegetables, it contains a good amount of iron and has very little calories. If Romaine lettuce(a variety of lettuce with elongated leaves) is used, there would be plenty of Vitamins A,B and C also.


Also, as lettuce has a sleep-inducing substance, it is helpful for those who have difficulty to sleep.


Butter and milk are rich in calcium. Onion, with its antibacterial and antifungal properties has its own health benefits, including cancer-fighting properties. It is also know to lower blood pressure and cholesterol because of its low calorie content.

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