Your body has its own range of defenses against illness, called the immune system. It can fight off many diseases unaided if you are fairly fit.

Many diseases can be prevented by vaccination programs which make the most of the body’s immune system.


Many diseases that are caused by bacteria can be treated with drugs called antibiotics. These were originally made from moulds and fungi, but are now made synthetically. They include penicillin and tetracycline.

  • For immediate, short-lived protection from an infection, you might be injected with blood from someone who has already survived the diseases. The blood contains tiny proteins called antibodies which defend your body against the invading germs.
  • You can be protected from some diseases by immunization or vaccination.
  • For long-term protection, you may be injected with a killed it’s won antibodies against the germ, and so is resistant to further infection.
  • Common diseases of the past- diphtheria, polio, measles and whooping cough-are now quite rare thanks to mass vaccination of children. Smallpox is now very rare.



*Germs- little organisms such as bacteria and viruses which cause illness –can also be kept at bay by proper hygiene.

*November 2002- Bill gates started an awareness campaign in India. It will be followed by the testing of an AIDS vaccine. If things go well, a vaccine that provides immunity from the HIV virus will be available in the years to come.

*Malaria- malaria microbes’ rabies antiseptic infection anemia tuberculosis tsetse antibodies anesthetic inflammation inoculation contagious vaccination flu.

*The severe cold- You will never catch a clod in Antarctica because the germs cannot survive in the severe cold.

*Diseases ranging- In a land mark achievement, scientists announced that they have deciphered the third human chromosome. This chromosome is the largest of all and it contains information about diseases ranging from obesity and eczema to cataracts.


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