There are so many fields, which one should I take up? Which field will be good for me? After knowing about so many career option which one will be best suited for me? Oh! I am totally confused about it and I don’t know how to decide my career option? If this is something that you are undergoing, I have an answer to that. Go for Psychometric Assessment and Counselling.
Some features of Psychometric Assessment:-
You don’t need any kind of preparation for this test.
You just need to come with a fresh, relaxed and calm mind for this.
It is a series of tests which measures one’s capacity to perform in a particular field in a limited period of time.
It covers four main areas i.e. Intelligence, Aptitude, Personality and interest.
There are few tests with time limitation and few are untimed tests.
Usually it takes about 6-7hours to be performed.
It does not tell you whether you passed or failed.
It just helps you to know the field in which you can perform better.
It’s a paper-pencil test.
It’s a non verbal test.
Intelligence test: - It is conducted to know your grasping ability and your understanding about new concepts. It is divided into 4-5 sections each with around 20 questions. These sections are meant to know your reasoning ability, abstract thinking, basic calculations and your imagination.
Aptitude:-It measures your ability to perform on a particular task. It is divided into five subtests. Each subtest is of 25-30 minutes.
a) Numerical aptitude: - It measures your mathematical ability, calculations and understanding of basic numerical problems.
b) Mechanical aptitude: - This test is based on the concept of physics and it measures your understanding about machines and their properties.
c) Spatial aptitude: - It measures your ability to see things in a three dimensional perspective.
d) Verbal reasoning: - It measures your understanding about English words and your ability to relate between two words.
e) Abstract reasoning: - It measures your reasoning ability and analytical skills.
Personality:-It’s an untimed test and it contains more than 100 items. It measures different aspects of your personality like adaptability, boldness, creativity etc. The purpose of this test is to know whether you have the relevant traits for a particular profession or not and it also tells you about your strengths and weaknesses.
Interest: - This test is about various profession and career choices. You have to show your preference for a particular career option through this test. This is also an untimed test.
After you take all these tests, the results are interpreted by a Counselling Psychologist and a profile is prepared. It takes about 2-3 days minimum. Then you can take the counselling appointment with the Psychologist. In the Counselling session, the entire profile is explained to you and accordingly you are suggested with some career options. Finally it helps you know more about your strengths, weaknesses, ability, interest and grasping ability which help you to decide a career option for yourself from the suggested options given by the Psychologist. You can take these tests in any Counselling Centre or vocational guidance centre where you can find these standardised tests.