Road signs
These are classified according to their shapes:
1. Circular signs means mandatory task-that you can't disobey.
2. Triangular signs means Cautionary task -that you must note and slow down and drive carefully.
3. Square signs means Informatory signs - that you can need.
Offenses and Fines
Okay now take a look no the offenses and fines
These are avialable at your traffic office of your city.
1. No Parking (Except for Auto and Motor Taxi)Cash - Rs. 100-150/-
2. Driven against Police Signal Directions - Cash -Rs 100-150/-
3. Overtaking Dangerously- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
4. Driving on Footpath- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
5. Disobeying Traffic Signal- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
6. Driving Recklessly or Dangerously- Cash -Rs 500/-
7. Exceeding Speed Limit- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
8. Taxi Drivers demanding Excess Fare- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
9. Driving on uninsured vehicles- Cash -Rs 300/-
10. Driver of P.S.V not displaying badge- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
11. Failing to keep left or Driving at center of road- Cash -Rs 100-150/-
12. Driving against One-way- Cash - Rs. 100-150/-
But the list of offenses doesn't end over here. I listed the ones I got from my regional traffic office.
Few Safe Driving Tips
* Check every facility like head lights, brakes, mirrors etc. before starting a drive.
* Avoid speaking on the phone, talking to other friends inside the vehicle and music.
* Driving in a systematic way in a lane is a safe driving.
* You must not Drink and Drive. This is a well known reason for any kind of accidents.
* Avoid Road Rage. Don't get over exicted.
* Try to drive below the maximum Speed Limits mentioned.
* Never try to jump a Red Light signal. This will get the crossing place into trouble.
* Follow the Rules and Regulations as mentioned in the Motor Vehicles Act.
* Know all the signs for driving.
* Maintain a safe distance between two vehicles while on highway road.
* Wear the safety belt available in the vehicle.;
Please follow these instructions for your life's safety.
please comment if you want to add some points.
-- Atul Barapatre