Death-Survivors - Tips and Cautions. Death of a person close to you is always sad and emotional. Unfortunately, within a short time after death, many are contained. Possibly there is a will, or is an executor of the wishes of the deceased informed. The Association of Notaries provides some useful tips and points that you can read below. These can help you to be within the "business" process after a death
Death - Survivors or executors: How to Control - Termination
An overview of key issues (possibly) very quickly after death, or over time-should be regulated. In a sudden death, many items and / or wishes of the deceased may not (yet) unclear. Is the risk of death is known, it may be advisable following points-to-life by talking to the person concerned, so you as much as possible to his or her needs be met.
Important immediately after discovery of the death:
* The Act provides that the Funeral cremation or burial of a deceased must take place within 6 working days. (Was 5 days)
A doctor or medical examiner shall, upon discovery of the death-a death certificate on. This you need to report this to the death of civil registration in the place where the person is deceased
Try to figure out if there is a will or donor card. Especially with a donor card should immediate attention to any organs available for transplant
In the section of the town population in the place of death must be informed. Here you will receive an extract from the overlijdensregsiter. (Often up to the funeral). Passport or identity card must be presented here. This is declared void
Extract from the overlijdensregsiter is required to obtain include: declaration of inheritance, requesting a pension (ANW), obtaining insurance funds and many other official business
Of interest regarding the finances and paying bills
* Blocking pay bills after death, the relatives unpleasant financial consequences in the short term. Oddly enough, Internet banking just go ahead, provided the login codes, username and password known to the survivors.
Deblocking of Bank and / or giro accounts. When a notary public can provide a certificate of inheritance to be claimed. This declaration states who the heirs are and who are entitled to the inheritance protection. The attorney is needed: death certificate, marriage certificate plus any applicable if Act of prenuptial agreements, wills possible, contact details of all children
Any amendment to make the ascription of Banking, checking accounts, securities or investment accounts. Upon termination of accounts has a certificate of inheritance or the extract from the overlijdensregsiter be discussed
Few months, the employer pays wages to the deceased who were employed, consider opening a separate bank account so that payments can continue
Applications for obtaining ANW , you ask the local office of the Social Insurance, including your place of residence
Message pension funds and insurance companies in connection with the payment / allowance (s). Enter the possibly modified by bank account number. The benefit is usually three months after death for the first time
Ask any non-contributory pension of ex-employer
Keep all accounts] of the costs incurred in connection with the death have been made which may to a large extent deductible for tax
Consult a tax adviser about the possible deductions, or consult the website of the tax
Of interest in contracts, insurance and subscriptions
* Indicate changes preferably in writing, administer these notes carefully and make a list for a good overview. Close correspondence with a copy of the death certificate and request for an affirmative response from the relevant authorities.
Bring all the companies covered by insurance up to date. Provide the policy numbers and details of next of kin or executor. See which insurance is not (yet) be terminated
Refer to a home-the mortgage and adjust them if necessary. (Life insurance / mortgage consultant?)
Go on the basis of payments after the subscriptions are and change it or say it in
Pull necessary authorizations to debit Bank of Giro
Bring the medical society aware of the death. (Family) Policies will need to adapt
Check for loans, revolving funds, etc. and see if the death influences of
Of interest to the families
* The following settlements might not ask the attention, but should be within reasonably short time are handled.
Any application for family assistance, social work etc.
Keep your back as a single parent, consider drawing up a will if there are children
Is the registration of the car in the name of the deceased, then the transfer of the license plate of the car within 5 weeks. Care in sales for the disclaimer form, otherwise you remain as a surviving dependent (s) responsible
Keep the general partner alone, ask whether you are entitled to adaptations of the (municipal) taxes as: reinigingsrecht, environmental, housing, education financing, etc.
The tax sends (tax) forms automatically to the heirs - executor
Keep the data well for any future audit of the tax
Keep correspondence / letters on subscription changes, cancellations, etc., so your confirmation / proof of it. Ask for a written confirmation of the terminations, changes of contractual obligations, etc.