: Nature (360)
Articles [Nature]
Water Precious Resource
Water is very precious. It is a part of the ecological system. Water is the main source of human needs. Without water, we dehydrate and in the long term, it causes death. We need water in our daily lives. Water is in the...
"Water Water every where , but even not a drop to drink ".This will be the condition of most places in the world due to the limitless and thoughtless pollution. We do not think about the day that we face this condition. Without a single moment's...
Save environment, save the world. We all are very fortunate to be living human beings on the planet "Earth" and are blessed with the gift of God in the form of natural environment. An environment consists of all the living and non...
This year one of the news items which frequently appeared in the local newspaper in Manipur is the arrest of individuals for smuggling or catching Tokay gecko. Similar news items appeared in the newspapers of neighbouring northeast states too....
Earthquake and related terms
Earthquake is a term which is used to denote the relative movement of the earth surface under the influence of release of the strain energy stored in faults. The faults are the planes along which the two...
Its in our nature to resist the conditions we are put in till we are used to the conditions and learn to go with the flow. I live in Noth India and here we have exteremes of weather conditions; that is in summer we have very hot days and in winters...
The sun, the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago… had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands. -By Havelock Ellis, The Dance of Life, 1923
The scorching heat of the summers that made you sweat like never...
It’s believed that even a single plant is available on this earth without any medicinal value. It’s most used in Ayurvedic and Unani treatments. Extracts from plants are used in Allopathic and Homeopathic treatment also. Years before when a...
If a butterfly flying through the valleys of Mullaperiyar dam in Kerala flaps its wings, can it form a hurricane in New York? Don’t feel surprised. ‘It’s possible’, says Butterfly effect. Through this article, am giving you a small idea about this...
The whole of India just celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi and the festival ends amidst great pomp and fervor of faith after five, ten or twenty days. Hindu devotees from all over the city will flock to water bodies in their regions to immerse huge...
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