: MySQL (8)
Articles [MySQL]
Creating and Describe Table:
SQL> create table student209401(Rollno number(5) primary key,Fname char(10),Lname char(10),adds varchar2(25),DOB date);
Table created.
SQL> desc student209401;
System database are the type of database that exist in each and every instance of SQL server 2005 or higher.It contains table that store Server configurations,Templates etc.System database as :- (a) Master database: - This database keeps...
Database System Information is emit from some raw facts which is known as Data. A computer based system which have purpose to record and save data is called as database or record keeping system. Any such enterprise maintains data about its...
Mysql is a database its is a open source Database software i will give some Basic Syntax in Mysql
Its used to initialized user , Use as keyword
USE DatabaseName
Create Database
Connection in mysql with java
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver mysql Driver name and conn is a connection string
Example Code...
There are several architectural models for parallel machines or systems. In following figure, M denotes memory, P denotes a processor, and disks areshown as cylinders.
Shared memory : All the processors share a common memory (Figure...
Underlying the structure of a database is the data model : a collection of conceptual tools for describing data, data relationships, data semantics, and consistency constraints. To illustrate the concept of data model, two of the data models are...
SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases. SQL is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. Earlier, SQL was known as SEQUEL. SQL allows you to create simple as well as very complex database queries that are fired...
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