
  • There is a 1960 movie titled " Girl on a Motorcycle". This movie hit the screen before I was born, but I had a chance to witness it in a re-run in the eighties. It's a beautiful movie starring the English actress Marianne Faithfull( born 1946).She looks lovely in this movie and I

  • Muslim women for Hazi Ali and Hindu women for Sabramalai temple.

    What are your views on the Right to pray irrespective of the gender?? Is it issue related to religious sentiments and beliefs or a gender equality issue?

  •  "Triple Talaq is here to go"- this made the headlines of majority of news channels in country.

    When the judgement against Triple Talaq was being welcomed by Muslim women across the nation, there came another judgement which shook women like me across the

  • Indian women are lucky as they have been given rights without any agitation or demand. I am referring to voting and property rights. I also agree that gender bias is rampant in India, but it was the same in England at the turn of the last century.The gender bias in English society was loosened

  • Women Education

    Women, one of the most beautiful beings to exist in this world. Throughout the history, women have always faced discrimination and difficulties. History is evident how women faced discrimination and how they rose againest it. They have always been suppressed because of
