women and rape

  • we live in a diverse society with various religions, beliefs, customs, etc, but it's very likely to get a group of people throwing judgments on everyone. It's almost impossible to satisfy their expectations as a member of the so-called society. you might be wondering why am I beating around the

  • Rape is one of the oldest crimes in the world and the driving force behind it is desire. There was no law against rape in Hindu law and a woman raped had no recourse to any legal remedy and had to accept what had happened.  However with the advent of greater industrialization and

  • Jurisprudence all over the world recognizes rape as an offence. It means carnal knowledge of a woman against her will.In India the British enacted the Indian Penal Code in 1860 and incorporated the offence of rape, punishable with a prison term up to 7 years. This is now amended to life in

  • Rape is nothing new and is one of the oldest crimes known to man. It stems from a desire for sexual intercourse with a prized girl or woman or simply the gratification of desire of a carnal nature with any available woman. Thus we have rapes of white women by negroes in America and rapes of
