
  • Since time immemorial, Yoga has been a most reliable method to heal the common health problems. It is basically about practicing some body postures daily and retaining them for some time limit. It should be practiced at the time of dusk and dawn for better results. There are many Yoga postures

  • 5 Things to do to avoid

                            Tooth Sensitivity




  • ASPIRIN tablets can remove acne and pimples problems, know it's all benefits

    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty

  • Our Prime minister Mr Modi has been emphasising on more production and use of generic drugs. Generic drugs are medicines which are similar to the original medicine but they are of lesser cost since they are not sold under the original brand name. Considering the poverty in India it is very

  • Can Indian age old treatment method -AYURVEDA & SIDDHA control the disease Corona Virus .?

  • Are the medicines that we take or the ones doctor prescribes...are these really curing the disease. I read somewhere that for a medical store to run profitably it needs only 6 sugar patients... 

    So what do we do take the medicines or not?? Whom do we go and complain to???

  • Now a days here in our area we are listening about  Reiki Healing. Is It true that it provides energy , give benefits to our body and helpful in curing diseases.. 

  • Sāṣṭāṅga:

    Lay down on your belly

    Touch 8 point of your body to the ground-

  • With over 2.5 billion dynamic clients in 190 nations, Android is the most famous working framework on the planet. Since its origin, Android has filled in prevalence many years. Through its prominence in arising countries, Android has kept on growing at an incredible rate in India. The

  • Looking at the way the corona epidemic has created a furore, this disease is becoming very dangerous, which has not yet received any systematic treatment. But according to the medical department, now some such processes are done in our body, by which this corona patient can be detected and all

  • Looking at the way the corona epidemic has created a furore, this disease is becoming very dangerous, which has not yet received any systematic treatment. But according to the medical department, now some such processes are done in our body, by which this corona patient can be detected and all
