
  • Bank Frauds have becoming a gaping hole in the Indian economy with frauds getting revealed almost every year, the recent trend where bank frauds occured were in the years 2011, 2014, 2015,2016, 2017 & 2018.

    The below article highlights the events of the frauds

  • The world is changed ever since the use of technology. I know we have many uses with internet like posting articles,school purposes and others. Earlier we used to see people with books in their hands in public places like metro stations,parks,cafeteria,and etc. Now we see people with

  • As a nation I find that most Indians have no social manners , even the so called educated ones - they break ques, pass through a door you have opened for yourself without even looking at you or thanking you , may be even knocking you down and of course absolutely no consideration for the
