
  • We all know that People are different in nature, in their reactions , their perceptions and their behavior, yet there are some basic truths that remains the same when it comes to social behavior.Here is a list of 6 such patterns of human nature that have been listed out by Psycho analysts as

  • It is imperative that we have a relaxing atmosphere within the four walls that we call our home that has a calming effect on us and remains Stress-Free!

    How do we make our homes stress free ?

    It is a fact that our home atmosphere has a lot to contribute in

  • Introduction

    I am not speaking about hiking which many people do simply to impress others because I have seen many people do that, put on sports gear, carry a back pack and walk for a kilometer or two on the outskirts of their cities, take some selfies and think they

  • If birds are your passion, then having a bird feeder around your backyard can be fun and exciting. There is a sense of fulfillment in having to see

  • There is nothing more wonderful than nature and its immense beauty lies not just in what pleases the eye but each of its aspects.

    Be it the capability of a life to be born, grow, wither with age and eventually die or the capability of a sea to be both serene and violent, a desert to be

  • Human and Nature

    Humans are the greatest creation of nature and now humans dominate the world over nature without their permission and destroy all other creations of nature. There is no rule for destroying creation in nature's book but there is

  • I was woken up from our deep slumber around 3.30 am by the waiter of the hotel. He instructed me to be ready by 4.00 am. I did as I was advised. It was very dark and the air was cold, crisp and chilly. However, there were many vehicles leaving for the Tiger Hills. I was also going there to

  •  Army 9

    As usual Dubai conjures up something special and the latest addition to the tourist landscape is the Butterfly park.  The park has just opened a few weeks back and is an absolute delight. As my
