
  • Well I don't think there's a better way to express your love for someone, than through songs. Cards, or the well planned 'unexpected gift at an unexpected time', all pale in comparison. In life, all you need is love, uhhh, & chocolate, & a good bank balance, & high speed internet!!

  • The Beatles are undoubtedly the most popular rock band of all times... They took rock music to heights that could never be scaled by their contemporaries. This article tries to tap into the feeling of Beatlemania which was the buzz of the 60s....

    When the

  • If you're a Rock fan, you'll be aware that Rock music helps to raise your energy levels quickly. It creates a buzz, that re-energizes you. In this post I'd like to share songs that help me to get the buzz back into the day...

    Walk by

  • Does the music have the power of healing our mental, emotional and physical distress? 

  • 'Everybody' was the song that got me hooked to the Backstreet Boys. Do tell me about your favorite song from them.

  • Rock music...Some call it 'cacophonic drivel', some say it started off wanton behavior among the youth....But for me it's a source of wisdom, a source of solace in times of pain. I started listening to Rock music in the 90s, & I've been hooked ever since!!Rock lyrics are almost always what

  • Every year in the tamil month of "Margazhi" one particular day(Bahula Panchami) all singers will gathered and sing pancharatna keerthanas. It is very nice to hear the songs from all the legends. 


  • It all started off in Manchester, a band was formed by the Gallagher brothers. Liam & Noel Gallagher, started writing, & composing music, hoping to get a break. Their band was named Oasis, & their debut album was titled 'Definitely Maybe'. The album was one of the highest selling


    Rock music has diversified a lot in the last few decades, & there are far too many genres under rock music currently. So now there are ardent fans of punk rock, alternative rock, rap rock, goth rock, grunge rock & what not!!! I started savouring the various flavours of



  • Kiki Challenge has been trending for a while now. The challenge is to step out of a moving vehicle, dance and then step back into the vehicle while it is in motion.


    Personally, i feel it is a risky challenge and it has been proven time and again with all the accidents

  • So you've got free time, & you decide to spend some time listening to a song or two. You turn on your music system or iPod, & let the music flow..So out flows the music,with all it's glory & splendour....What happens then?

    Music talks to your
