
  • When there is problem and differences that cannot be sorted out legal separation or Divorce becomes the only solution..This is the opinion of a couple I am friendly with.They have had problems within their marriage, lived separately just to see if things would get better and now feel that there

  • There was a time when child marriages were considered perfectly normal and then things changed and the age for marriage was pushed up until they attained puberty and so on...According to some research based studies there apparently is a perfect age for marriage and the reasons seem valid too,

  • I've gone through a seachange in the last few years. I'm no longer the timid, tall guy that I was during my late teens, or the angry young man in my 20s. Reading has permeated every nook & corner of my existence. Honestly speaking, I've never felt this bodacious in all the 33 revolutions

  • Recently on a visit to the USA I read an article that some American wives of Civil war veterans were still drawing pension.  This surprised me as the American Civil War was fought from 1861-65 and that is almost 150 years back, how could their widows be still drawing pension in 2014( The
