lose weight

  • ASPIRIN tablets can remove acne and pimples problems, know it's all benefits

    Sometimes, being exposed to dust for a long time, causes dirt on our skin, causing pimples and acne on our skin. Many girls use a lot of beauty products to overcome these problems, but using these beauty

  • Most people normally tend to eat 3 meals a day and since the gap is too much and they are hungry , they end up eating a heavy meal,. Instead if we eat more often say 5 or even 6 times a day, smaller portions we have added health benefits.The most important one being that of keeping our weight

  • No matter how much exercise one does, it is far more important to control ones diet to lose and maintain a steady weight. According to dietitians losing weight successfully involves 80% diet and 20% exercise and even more importantly intake of water..Not eating a chocolate bar saves nearly 300
